Management and Conservation of Terrestrial Faunal Cummunities

Name: Management and Conservation of Terrestrial Faunal Cummunities
Code: BIO14189M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Course unit dedicated to methods of planning and management of wild fauna, mainly focused on the technical-scientific requirements necessary in the elaboration of a conservation plan

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended to provide students with the knowledge and critical capacity necessary for a responsible contribution to the planning and management of wildlife faunal resources. Relevance will be given to the types of actions generally considered into the management, recovery, minimization and compensation of impacts on fauna. Some case studies will be presented in the regional, national and global contexts.


1. Communities and ecosystems: interactions and disturbances.
2. Plans for the control and eradication of exotic species.
3. Maintenance and recovery plans for priority indigenous species
4. Invasive species and management of exotic fauna.
5. Fauna in urban areas: damages and benefits.
6. Wildlife and linear infrastructure - an ecological perspective.
7. Management of agro-ecosystems for the conservation of fauna.
8. Conservation genetics topics
9. Recovery of captive fauna and animal restoration.
10. Rewilding of the habitat with domestic species.

Teaching Methods

Structured theoretical-practical exposition using slides and topics on different topics. Discussion of scientific articles and other documentation. Viewing of documentaries on fauna management and their critical discussion with students relate the topics of the documentary with the syllabus of the UC. The continuous evaluation consists of the elaboration of a written technical-scientific report made in group work that corresponds to 65% of the classification and an oral presentation of the work weighted in the remaining 35%. The exam regime consists of a single written test (100%) with a questionnaire on all main subjects taught at the UC which have relevance to the student's learning.

Teaching Staff