Architectural Drawing II

Name: Architectural Drawing II
Code: ARQ02521I
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals


The objectives of this course is the understanding architecture drawing not only as the basis of architectural creation but also as a system of representation, verification and explanation of the architectural idea and subject, as well as medium for the expression.
The premise that development of this substance on the following main objectives:
a) knowledge and mastery of architectural drawing as a system of recognition, understanding and coding of reality and as a means of architectural representation of the idea;
b) knowledge and mastery of architectural drawing through their history, as a means of knowledge of architecture and architects;
c) knowledge and mastery of architectural drawing and its techniques, understanding of the possibilities of creative appropriation and manipulation of them for the sake of accuracy and expressiveness.




a) History of Architectural Drawing
The role of architectural drawing in art history and architecture, its relation with the singular moments of human history and cross-influences and other areas of knowledge (engineering, science, philosophy, society, ...) exploring, among others, the contributions of authors such as: Vitruvius, Vignola, Serlio, Palladio, Herrera, Scamozzi, Piranesi, Le-Duc, Ledoux, Schinkel, Loos, Housaki, Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies, Bauhaus, Utzon, Smithson, Archigram, Friedman, Shiza Eisenmann, Zumthor .

b) The Analytical Design (Part II)
- Functional Analysis;
- Constructive analysis;
- The promenade architecturale; 

- The Comping as architectural extension of graphic expression.

1 Functional analysis;
2 Constructive analysis, 

Teaching Methods


Teaching Methodologies:
Learning activities will be undertaken both in and outside, structured according to the following formats:
a) Lectures;
b) Practical Classes.


Under the terms of the Academic Regulations of the University of Évora (RAUÉ), assessment is continuous.
Attendance (P) in classes is mandatory (75% of classes).
The absence of students in assessments, when not duly justified, implies a negative weighting of the classification.
The calculation of the classification presupposes the progression of the levels of requirement of the exercises, as well as the temporal perspective and the synthesis of learning.
The final classification, considering attendance (P) and the student's overall achievement, will be the weighted average of the two classifications (Av1+Av2) predicted for the semester, and the classification of the graphic diary (DG).

Normal exam (EN)
Final Grade = (0.05xP) + (0.70xAv) + (0.25xDG), whose minimum grade is 10 points.

Resource exam (ER)
Final Grade = (0.4xEN) + (0.60xER), whose minimum grade is 10 points.

Recommended Reading


G.F.VALDERRAMA, Fernando. Tutoriales de informática para arquitectura: AutoCAD, 3D Studio, Corel Draw, Word, Excel y Presto. Madrid: Celeste Ediciones S.A., 1999.
GÓMEZ MOLINA (ed) Lecciones del dibujo. Madrid: Cátedra, 1997.
J. GARCÍA NAVAS, Dibujar después de 1910. Barcelona: Ed. U.P.C., 1997.

LE DUC, VIOLLET, Historia de una casa. Ed. Anagrama
R. TUFTE, Edward, The Visual Display of Cuantitative Information. Graphics Press LLC, 1983
R. TUFTE, Edward, Envisioning Information. Graphics Press LLC, 1990
R. TUFTE, Edward, Visual Explanations. Graphics Press LLC, 1997
R. TUFTE, Edward, Beautiful evidence. Graphics Press LLC, 2006
S. NAMBERT, El dibujo: técnica y utilidad. Madrid: Hermann Blume, 1985
SCHMIDT, Petra; TIETENBERG, Annette y WOLLHEIM, Ralf (editores), Patterns in Design, Art and Architecture, Birkhäuser, Publishers for Architecture, 2005. 

Teaching Staff