Methods and Techniques of Social Research

Name: Methods and Techniques of Social Research
Code: SOC13855L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course is a compulsory subject in the 1st semester of the 1st year of the 1st Cycle of Tourism in the University of Évora. The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge on scientific research concepts in social sciences.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Provide the basic methods and techniques of scientific research;
- Learn the different stages of practical implementation of a social research, integrating theories and methods;
- Interpret, critically, the methodologies used in works of disclosure, in general scientific research and particularly in the domain of social sciences, especially sociology;
- Contribute to a critical and relativist analysis of the scientific knowledge in its methodological and practical aspects.
- Justify specific methodological and technical components of other curriculum subjects.


1. Social research: definition and importance
1.1 Research in socil sciences vs other sciences
1.2 Ethics in research
1.3 Approaches in Tourism Research.

2. Social Research Methodologies aplied to Tourism.
2.1 Research Methodology
2.2 Rules for knowledge dissemination
2.2.1 Structure of a scientific report
2.3 Literature review and reference systems
2.4 Data collection.
2.4.1 Secondary data
2.4.2 Primary data
2.5 Data analysis

Teaching Methods

The course will be taught in form of theoretical/practical classes. Class attendance is subjected to an attendance record,being the presence obligatory in accordance to what is established in internal school regulamentation of the University.
The student can either opt for continuous evaluation or a final exam. If you choose the continuous evaluation: the evaluation will consist of 1or2 tests; elaboration, in group or individually, of practical works for the application o acquired knowledge and other elements of evaluation (attendance, participation, initiative, dedication carried out inpractical works ...). For assignment of the final grade the test(s) will count for 80% of the note; all other elements of evaluation (individual and group work, attendance, participation ...) will have 20%. In the Final Exam system: evaluation will consist in an exam and other elements of assessment.

Teaching Staff