Research Methodology

Name: Research Methodology
Code: GES10938M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals


O1 - Having a critical and a research attitude in the presence of the problems put by the
organizations /companies.
O2 - Dominating the methodological procedures of preparation of a research work.
O3 - Dominating the phases of elaboration of a research work.
O4 - Knowing and applying the guidelines for the preparation of a research work.


1. Introduction
2. The Scientific Knowledge
3. Methodological Procedures
4. Phases of Preparation of a Research Work
5. Presentation of Research Works
6. Diffusion of Research Works

Teaching Methods

M1. Strutured presentation on topics of research methodology.

M2. Illustration of concepts and the theory through examples.

M3. Processing by exercises and analysis of research works.

M4. Verification of the level of acquisition of the subject-matter during the semester by the development of a research proposal.
Continuous assessment regime:
- Report on literature search and list of references - 30%
- Final Master's thesis proposal – 70%. This proposal will be developed in two parts with weighting for the final grade of 20% for the first part and 50% for the second part.
Students who, due to failure or absence, do not complete the curricular unit through continuous assessment must hand-in the works mentioned above until the dates defined for the exam, for the appeal exam, or for the special season exam.
To obtain approval on the u.c. students must have a grade greater than 7 in all the assessments