Water and Soil Pollution

Name: Water and Soil Pollution
Code: PAO11387L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Give the student an applied education in the various technologies of control and treatment of water and wastewater, and reuse; and an applied education in the various technologies of control and treatment of solid waste, recovery of polluted and degraded soils and management of sites.


Module 1: Water pollution: surface and underground. Main pollutants. Legislation.
Module 2: Characterization of domestic and industrial wastewater. Quality objectives and treatment requirements. Operations and processes of physical, chemical and biological treatment. Preliminar treatment. Primary treatment. Secondary treatment. Terciary treatment. Treatment processes concerning the reuse of wastewater. Aplications of wastewater reuse. Monitoring. Legal framework
Module 3: Soil pollution. Main pollutants. Recovery of polluted and degraded soils. Restoration of soil fertility and sustainable management. Legislation.
Module 4: Solid residues. Production and treatment. Recycling and reuse. Monitoring. Legislation.

Teaching Methods

2 hrs of weekly theoretical lessons transmitting fundamentals and concepts, complemented with seminars. Practical lecturing will consist in lab classes, field work and study visits with the presentation of reports.
Continuous evaluation: the practical group work will contribute with 25%, and a test will contribute with 75%
Final examination: one sole proof on all the lectured matter that scores 100%