PhD Thesis
The cycle of studies leading to the degree of doctor integrates the elaboration of an original thesis specially developed for this purpose, appropriate to the nature of the branch of knowledge or specialty.
Alternatively, under equivalent demanding conditions, and also taking into account the nature of the field of knowledge or specialty, the cycle of studies leading to the degree of doctor may, under the conditions provided for in the regulations of each higher education institution, be integrated:
- For the compilation, properly framed, of a coherent and relevant set of research works, already object of publication in journals with selection committees of recognized international merit; or
- In the field of the arts, for a work or set of works or achievements with an innovative character, accompanied by written reasoning that explains the process of conception and elaboration, the research capacity, and its framing in the evolution of knowledge in the domain in which it is inserted.
PhD students must submit a project proposal in the academic year in which they make the first registration in the Thesis Course.
Only students enrolled in the CU Thesis can submit a Thesis project proposal.
Before submitting the project proposal, the respective work plan must be analyzed and revised with the Course Director so that the student can incorporate any suggestions for improvement before the deadline established in the Academic Procedures Calendar for submitting the project.
How to do it
The project must be submitted through an online application, via the GesDoc platform (is not allowed sending by e-mail or paper).
Required Documents
- Form T-005 - Thesis Project Proposal
- Proposed work plan and timetable
- Statement(s) of acceptance of the mentor(s)
- Declaration by the host Organic Unit, which must identify the Mentor(s), the research team project that directly includes the preparation of the thesis
Projects that involve experimentation on people and biological material of human origin must be the subject of an opinion by the Ethics Committee and the student must attach the appropriate form upon delivery of the project.
Projects involving experimentation with animals must be the object of an opinion by ORBEA-UÉ (Organ Responsible for Animal Welfare at the University of Évora), and the student must attach the appropriate form at the time of delivery of the project.
Until the 15th of July of the first year in which the student enrolls in the UC Thesis.
Project Approval
After the Course Director issues an opinion and submits it to the Ethics Committee or ORBEA-UÉ, if applicable, the IIFA Scientific Council decides on the approval or non-approval of the project proposal. The student is notified and registered in his profile in SIIUE about the data referring to the approved project and is also registered in the national platform of National Registry of Theses and Dissertations (RENATES).
In the event that, reasonably, the project is not approved, the student has 20 days after the date of notification, to submit the reformulated project in GesDoc with the documents mentioned above.
Amendment to the thesis project
In the case of intending to make any changes to the previously approved Thesis Project, be it the change of title, of the mentor(s), the language in which it is written, etc., the student must submit a change request to the project, which must be accompanied by a mentor's opinion on the proposed amendment.
Proposals for changes to the project must be submitted no later than 30 days before the student proceeds to deliver the Thesis. The change request must be submitted along the same lines as the project, accompanied by Form T-005 and the Declaration(s) of acceptance of the mentor(s).
The European doctoral title is a title associated with a doctoral degree, given by European universities.
The granting of a European doctoral degree presupposes, on part of the applicant, the cumulative fulfillment of the following requirements:
- Valid enrollment and registration as a PhD student at UÉ;
- Conducting a study or research period(s) at a university in another European country, as part of the preparation of the Thesis, with a minimum duration of three months, preferably under a work plan that has the agreement of UÉ and another university;
- The Thesis must be written in English;
- Inclusion, in the doctoral jury, of a member from an HEI from another European country other than Portugal;
- Requirement of two opinions favorable to the acceptance of the Thesis, issued by professors belonging to two higher education institutions from two European countries, other than Portugal, the opinions being explicitly mentioned in the minutes of the first meeting of the doctoral jury, of which they are part integral;
- Requirement of two opinions favorable to the acceptance of the Thesis, issued by professors belonging to two higher education institutions from two European countries, other than Portugal, and the opinions must be explicitly mentioned in the minutes of the first meeting of the doctoral jury, of which they are an integral part;
- In the public act of discussion of the Thesis, a part of the defense must take place in an official language of the European community other than Portuguese, a circumstance that must be explained in the minutes of the public test.
After approval of the Thesis project and the respective work plan that must contemplate the realization of period(s) of studies or research at a university in another European country, the IIFA will endeavor to conclude a specific protocol between UÉ and the university of reception of the doctoral student, who must issue a statement proving the work done.
How to proceed
The application for obtaining the title must be submitted in GesDoc, simultaneously with the presentation of the thesis project or through a request for amendment to the thesis project.
When delivering the Thesis and applying for admission to public tests, the doctoral candidate must attach a statement proving the completion of a study or research period(s) at a university in another European country, with a minimum total duration of three months.
The European doctoral title will appear in the degree diploma and in the doctoral letter, if required by the student, provided that all the requirements for the title are met.
Contracts for doctoral fees between UÉ and other foreign higher education institutions may be established, under the proposal of the doctoral student.
The co-guardianship agreement presupposes the doctoral student to be enrolled and registered in the two partner institutions included in the Agreement, where he will carry out the research and have a supervisor in each of them, and this must be reflected in the Thesis project proposal (if already approved, change to the project to include the co-guardianship). IIFA is responsible for arranging the proposal for an Agreement with the partner institution.
The doctoral candidate can only obtain a doctoral degree at UÉ, after having passed the UÉ PhD program and, in the case of exams not taking place at UÉ, upon delivery of the minutes of the public tests and a paper and digital copy of the final version of the Thesis, with the changes suggested by the jury.
The student who is unable to deliver the Thesis within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar must proceed to enroll in the UC Thesis in the subsequent academic year (s), safeguarding the maximum number of registrations defined within the scope of the prescriptions
In the case of duly proven illness, the student may request, through GesDoc, an extension of the deadline for submission of the Thesis, for a period equivalent to that in which the student was prevented from carrying out the work. The request must be made within a maximum period of 3 months after the period of illness.
Students taking advantage of the special regime of attendance of mothers and fathers student in a given academic year, may request, through GesDoc, an extension of the deadline for delivering the Thesis, for a period equivalent to parental leave.
After the end of the extension period, in case the student does not proceed with the delivery and request for admission to tests, the payments are due, in order to be able to proceed with the delivery later.
All requests for extension delivered that do not fall into the above situations will be rejected outright.
Doctoral students enrolled in the Thesis and with an approved project, after completing the Thesis, must submit it and apply for admission to public tests.
The application for admission to public tests can only be instructed and submitted to the Scientific Council of IIFA, if the student:
- has included in the application all the required documents;
- has successfully completed all the PhD courses, if the study plan includes them;
- is not a debtor of tuition fees. If you have requested a phased payment plan for the debt, the evidence cannot be processed until the plan has been completed and the debt has been settled.
After analysis of the request for admission to tests by the Academic Services, you will be notified, by message in SIIUE, if the process was properly instructed. In case it is not, the delivery will not be considered, being due the payment of tuition fees until the order is properly instructed.
How to do it
The submission must be made through an online application, via the GesDoc platform (sending by e-mail or paper is not allowed), being notified through the SIIUE if the submission was successfully completed. If you do not receive this notification within 24 working hours after submitting the application, contact the Academic Services.
Required Documents
When requesting admission to tests, the following documents must be attached in digital format (unencrypted pdf and the sum of all files must not exceed 128Mb):
- Application for admission to public tests (model T-006 );
- Thesis in accordance with the approved project and in line with the norms foreseen in RAUÉ , namely:
-Contain abstract in Portuguese and Abstract in English (topped by the translation in the same language as the thesis title), each up to 300 words (without mathematical formulas, diagrams or other illustrative materials);
-The cover and the cover sheet, must be extracted from the Student profile, in SIIUE, option Dissertation> Issue Cover;
- Opinion (s) of the mentor(s);
- Curriculum vitae;
- Declaration (PT or EN ), under honor, regarding the originality of the work, and that you are aware that, under the terms of the law, scientific work will be deposited in the UÉ Digital Repository.
In case the doctoral candidate wants the European PhD title, he/she must deliver the documentation provided for that purpose.
Admission to public tests with delivery of thesis according to the Academic Procedures Calendar , must be done at October 15, 2022. Students enrolled at UC Thesis and with a project approved in 2021/22 who deliver by that date do not pay tuition fees in 2022/2023, despite having registered in 2022/2023.
After making the request for admission to public tests in the scope of the 3rd cycle, the student is released from the payment of installments falling due after the delivery date, provided that he has paid the entire tuition fee corresponding to two academic years, in the case of a doctorate lasting 3 years and 3 academic years, in the case of PhDs lasting 4 years.
Reformulation by jury's resolution
After a jury meeting, in the case of a Clearing Order with a reformulation decision, the student has 90 non-extendable days, from the date of registration in the notification mail, to proceed with the reformulation of the Thesis or declare that he intends to keep the work unchanged.
The copy of the reformulated Thesis must be delivered online, through the GesDoc platform, and must be attached:
- Model T-009 application for admission to public tests after reformulation;
- Thesis in accordance with the reformulation proposals and in accordance with norms foreseen in RAUÉ. Alternatively, the student can submit a declaration that he intends to keep the work as it was initially submitted;
- Opinion (s) of the mentor(s);
It is considered waiver if, after the aforementioned period, the candidate does not present either the reformulated thesis or the declaration that he intends to keep it as presented.
The student must deliver his Thesis, with the changes suggested by the jury, after approval in public tests. According to the law, the Theses are subject to the National Registry of Theses and Dissertations (RENATES) and the mandatory deposit of a digital copy in the repository that is part of the network of the Scientific Repository of Open Access in Portugal (RCAAP).
How to do it
The submission must be made through an online application, via the GesDoc platform (sending by e-mail or paper is not allowed).
Required Documents
- Form T-007 (PT or EN ) - Mentors Validation of the the changes contained in the Minutes of the public tests;
- Thesis with the changes suggested by the jury (in digital format);
- Thesis with the changes suggested by the jury (on paper for legal deposit at the National Library);
- Declaration (PT ou EN ), under honor, as you know that, under the terms of the law, scientific work will be deposited in the Digital Repository of UÉ.
The cover, cover sheet and composition of the Jury to be included in the work must be extracted from the Student profile, at SIIUE, option Dissertation> Issue Cover.
The deposit of the work must be made within a maximum period of 30 days after the tests in a public act.
Additional Information
Failure to deliver copies with the validation of the mentor, invalidates the issuance of the diploma of obtainance of the degree and the obtainance of any proof of success in public tests.
Os estudantes bolseiros, ou candidatos a bolsa em que a bolsa é paga diretamente à UÉvora, devem requerer anualmente, o regime de candidato a bolsa, anexando ao pedido a declaração, emitida pela Entidade que financia a bolsa, que comprove a aceitação da candidatura ou comprovativo em como foi renovada, no qual conste o período e valor da bolsa a pagar à UÉvora.
De acordo com Regulamento de Propinas , com base nesse comprovativo será atribuído o regime especial de candidato a bolsa, mantendo-se esse regime até recebimento da bolsa por parte da UÉvora, que deverá ocorrer no máximo até 31 de março do ano letivo subsequente.
Ao ser atribuído o regime de bolseiro de outra instituição – bolsa paga diretamente à UÉvora, os estudantes são dispensados do pagamento de propina, taxa de matrícula e seguro escolar, desde que tal esteja contemplado no valor da bolsa.
O regime de bolseiro só será atribuído quando a UÉvora receber a bolsa
Nenhum diploma, certidão ou certificado poderá ser emitido enquanto o estudante mantiver o regime de candidato a bolsa, podendo ser emitido comprovativo de matrícula e inscrições.
No ato de matrícula ou inscrição, no SIIUE, ou através de requerimento no GESDOC no prazo de 30 dias após submissão de candidatura ou renovação da bolsa
Independentemente do mês de início da bolsa ou sua renovação, o regime de candidato a bolsa é atribuído:
- ao ano letivo correspondente à data de candidatura, se efetuada até 30 de abril desse ano letivo ou
- ao ano letivo correspondente ao início da bolsa se o resultado da candidatura for em ano letivo subsequente
No caso de indeferimento de bolsa
Os estudantes a quem for indeferida a concessão de bolsa têm 30 dias após a data da notificação do indeferimento para entregar comprovativo dessa deliberação, podendo neste prazo:
a) liquidar a dívida das prestações vencidas, sem pagamento da taxa de juro, ou
b) requerer a anulação da matrícula, ficando desobrigados do pagamento das prestações vencidas e vincendas de propina, sendo consideradas nulas todas as aprovações em unidades curriculares, creditações ou outros atos curriculares realizados. A taxa de matrícula é sempre devida.
Após os 30 dias da notificação do indeferimento, ou após 31 de março do ano letivo subsequente ao regime de candidato a bolsa, caso a UÉvora não receba a bolsa ou tenha de restituir a bolsa à Entidade financiadora por razões imputáveis aos estudantes, estes serão considerados devedores e ficam sujeitos às penalizações previstas no Regulamento de Propinas.
Regulations and Guides
- Decree-Law nº74/2006, 24 of March, in its current republication
- Portaria 285/2015, 15 of September
- Academic Regulation of the University of Évora
For more information, please consult SAC.ONLINE , the Online Services Desk for Academic Services.
Click here to see the service hours and contacts of Academic Services.