Code: FIS13595L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Physics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In the discipline of Física 1 a variety of physical phenomena and concepts, fundamental for the understanding of the present scientific and technological progress, are presented, relating Physics to the other Sciences (and Chemistry, in particular). In a qualitative way, we intend to interest the students in most of the main subjects in Physics, including topics they were never taught in secondary school. Besides, we want to promote their abstract thinking skills, applying elementary mathematical techniques, as well as initiate them to laboratory work, because most never had this experience.
At the end of the discipline, they should be able to:
• For the problems proposed, identify the path and tools (mathematical and physical laws) to solve the problem and use them.
• In general, change reference systems and measurement units (SI).
• In the laboratory, follow simple instructions, make the calculations or graphics needed, get an error estimate and write a short report.


I. Mechanics
• The scientific method. Measurements, units, and dimensions.
• Kinematics and dynamics of mass points. Newton’s laws and its applications.
• Work and energy. Collisions and momentum. Conservation laws.
• Systems of many particles. The rigid body. Angular momentum.
II. Electromagnetism
• Electrostatics. Electric charges and forces.
• Electric potential. Capacity and capacitors.
• Electric current. Kirchhoff’s rules. RC circuits.
• Reference to Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves.
III. Optics
• The nature of light. Geometric optics. Image formation by mirrors and lenses.
• Lasers
IV. The nucleus, nuclear reactions and radioactivity.

Teaching Methods

Presentation of the subjects in lectures to the students (sometimes using video projections). Problem solving. Experimental laboratory work.
Assessment Methods:
The final grade of the Course Unit is calculated as a weighted average of the grade of the theoretical part (with a weight of typically 70%) and the grade of the practical part (with a weight of typically 30%). For the evaluation of the theoretical part there is a possibility of having written tests during the semester, and a final exam. For the evaluation of the practical part there is a possibility of evaluating students solving problems in or of having several mini-tests during classes; in addition, the evaluation of the reports of laboratory work carried out by the students also contributes to the grade. The minimum grade of the theoretical and practical parts is 8.0 values, the final grade must be higher than 9.5 points to pass the Course Unit.

Teaching Staff