General Sociology
Name: General Sociology
Code: SOC02403L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area:
Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial
Sustainable Development Goals
Learning Goals
General Sociology aims to provide students with the foundations of sociological perspective and the fundamental concepts of sociology, to develop attitudes of questioning, analytical reasoning, critical and reflective on society. Specifically, the students must know: a) recognize and explain the specificity of the sociological approach; b) use the fundamental concepts of sociology and understand, promote and use the proper language of this science; c) recognize the usefulness of sociological knowledge even in the professional context, d) understand the multiple ways of life society organization, raising the sense of relative by the acceptance, without prejudice, the plurality of values and cultures; e) develop the taste for the methodical observation and critique of the social reality; f) develop a method of observation, classification and explanation of the relationship, community and human behavior in society; g) to encourage the reading of sociological texts of key authors .
1.Introduction: The study of Sociology, Sociology and other social sciences; Historical development of sociology
2. The methodical observation of social reality
3. Society, culture and individual
4. Status and social role
5. Socialization and personality
6. Groups, aggregates and social categories
7. Social institutions
8. Social organization, social control and deviant behavior
9. Stratification, structure and social mobility
10. Family, education and religion
11. Formal organizations, labor and economic life
12. Urban development and changing patterns of social interaction
13. Government, political and social power
14. Revolutions and social movements
15. Global change and ecological crisis
2. The methodical observation of social reality
3. Society, culture and individual
4. Status and social role
5. Socialization and personality
6. Groups, aggregates and social categories
7. Social institutions
8. Social organization, social control and deviant behavior
9. Stratification, structure and social mobility
10. Family, education and religion
11. Formal organizations, labor and economic life
12. Urban development and changing patterns of social interaction
13. Government, political and social power
14. Revolutions and social movements
15. Global change and ecological crisis
Teaching Methods
Teaching / learning methodology:
- Oral exposition of theoretical issues, supported by audio-visual media and illustrated with examples of concrete social reality;
- Developed summaries of the issues discussed in with indication of specific support texts;
- Individual and group reading of texts;
- Reading texts and structured oral presentation of the author's main ideas;
- Participation in conferences of sociological interest;
- Monitoring tutorial attendance and distance learning (http://www.moodle.uevora.pt)
School Internal Regulation establishes two types of assessment - continuous assessment process or a final examination:
Continuous assessment: written examination (50%) + written essay with oral presentation and discussion in (50%)
Final examination: written examination (100%).
- Oral exposition of theoretical issues, supported by audio-visual media and illustrated with examples of concrete social reality;
- Developed summaries of the issues discussed in with indication of specific support texts;
- Individual and group reading of texts;
- Reading texts and structured oral presentation of the author's main ideas;
- Participation in conferences of sociological interest;
- Monitoring tutorial attendance and distance learning (http://www.moodle.uevora.pt)
School Internal Regulation establishes two types of assessment - continuous assessment process or a final examination:
Continuous assessment: written examination (50%) + written essay with oral presentation and discussion in (50%)
Final examination: written examination (100%).