Advancing Inclusive Mentorship Programs for Higher Education Level

Cofinanciado por:
Acronym | AIM
Project title | Advancing Inclusive Mentorship Programs for Higher Education Level
Project Code | 2022-1-SE01-KA220-HED-000087498
Main objective | Reforçar a Investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Region of intervention | Europa

Beneficiary entity |
  • University of Gävle(líder)
  • Universidade de Évora(parceiro)

Approval date | 14-07-2022
Start date | 01-11-2022
Date of the conclusion | 31-10-2024

Total eligible cost |
European Union financial support |
National/regional public financial support |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 52000 €


AIM combines the efforts of four partners, representing four regions of Europe – North (Sweden), South Western (Portugal), South Eastern (Bulgaria) and Central (Austria). The starting point of our joint effort is supporting university and partner organization’s staff in designing and introducing Inclusive Entrepreneurship Mentoring Model (“IEMM”) for university students, equipping them with the skillset necessary to transform innovative ideas into start-ups.

AIM is based on the understanding that providing university and partner organisations’ staff with tools and instruments for inclusive entrepreneurial mentorship models delivery will empower both groups of stakeholders to contribute effectively to the development of entrepreneurial skills of university students during their study period.


Our motivation is to contribute to increasing the percentage of university students realizing their entrepreneurial potential within 5 years after graduation.


The structure of IEMM is as follows:

1. Equip students with the skillset necessary to transform innovative ideas into a start-up;

2. High quality internships enabled by close collaboration and periodic alignment between universities and employers (industrial companies);

3. Mentorship and one-to-one feedback.


AIM targets university students who want to develop their ideas and transform them into a start-up. Within this group, it is emphasized that opportunities in entrepreneurship mentoring are open to everyone with an idea for a sustainable business, regardless of their background and characteristics.


In reaching out to diverse groups of students, it is expected that AIM will close the gaps on social and inclusion challenges brought about by immigration, amongst other issues.

Goals, activities and expected/achieved results

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