Development of new solid supported catalysts for the asymmetric synthesis of biologically active compounds.

Cofinanciado por:
Project title | Development of new solid supported catalysts for the asymmetric synthesis of biologically active compounds.
Project Code | POCTI/QUI/38797/2001
Main objective |

Region of intervention |

Beneficiary entity |
  • Universidade de Évora(líder)
  • Instituto Nacional Engenharia Tecnologia Industrial(parceiro)

Approval date | 01-12-2001
Start date | 01-12-2002
Date of the conclusion | 31-05-2006

Total eligible cost |
European Union financial support |
National/regional public financial support |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 0 €

Goals, activities and expected/achieved results

Desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas tecnológicas para a síntese de compostos biologicamente activos, como por exemplo, fármacos, agroquímicos e perfumes, etc.
Attribute Type Value
id integer 53