A multi-scale and multi-tiered toolbox for assessing ecosystem quality of freshwater REservoirs: briDging the gaps of the watEr Framework dIrEctive approach
- CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental(líder)
- Universidade de Évora(parceiro)
The present project proposes to REDEFine the current scheme of evaluation of lentic ecosystems, suggesting an additional approach that integrates complementary measures for the evaluation of the health of the ecosystem. The reservoirs are the project's target ecosystem, given the paucity of empirical data and the incipient implementation of a standardized assessment system for these systems. The reservoirs share characteristics with the natural lakes, however they are strongly influenced by anthropic activities that promote their imbalance, which can translate into a loss of biodiversity and / or compromised ecosystem functioning. Thus, it is necessary to broaden the evaluation methodologies in order to generate more and better information to support the proposal of restoration and mitigation measures, maximizing its focus on the effective causes of the problems identified and maximizing their cost-effectiveness. Aware of the limitations of existing methodologies for ecological status assessment, this project intends to propose and validate an integrative approach, with a special focus on the analysis of functional aspects of aquatic webs.
Goals, activities and expected/achieved results
Trabalho de campo, de laboratório e de análise de dados.
Este projeto pretende propor e validar uma abordagem integradora, com especial enfoque na análise de aspetos funcionais das teias tróficas aquáticas.