Genomic footprints of the evolution of alternative life histories in lampreys
- Universidade de Évora(líder)
- FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e desenvolvimento de Ciências(parceiro)
Closely related nonparasitic and parasitic lamprey species pairs adopt alternative life histories as adults. The European lamprey species pair consists of the parasitic and anadromous river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) and the nonparasitic and freshwater resident brook lamprey (L. planeri). In EVOLAMP we will use genomic and transcriptomic techniques to identify candidate genes involved in the migratory activity, and thus responsible for the predisposition for the downstream trophic migration in lampreys, allowing the identification of genes of adaptive importance, and facilitating the understanding of adaptation and diversification in these ancestral species.
Goals, activities and expected/achieved results
The main objective of the project 'EVOLAMP - Genomic footprints of the evolution of alternative life histories in lampreys', is to apply up-to-date technologies to identify general molecular processes and potential footprints associated with resident and migratory life-history types in natural populations of a nonmodel organism.