Learning and Teaching at the University

Cofinanciado por:
Acronym | L&T University
Project title | Learning and Teaching at the University
Project Code | PTDC/CED-EDG/29252/2017
Main objective | Reforçar a Investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Region of intervention | Alentejo

Beneficiary entity | Universidade de Évora(líder)

Approval date | 14-05-2018
Start date | 15-07-2018
Date of the conclusion | 14-07-2021
Date of extension | 14-05-2022

Total eligible cost | 222937 €
European Union financial support | - 189497.07 €
National/regional public financial support | República Portuguesa - 33440.66 €
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 222937 €


The quality of learning and academic success in higher education is central to universities and, in particular, to students and teachers. In addition to the more personal and institutional relevance, academic failure in higher education also has a significant economic impact on the educational system and on the development of society.

Research carried out over the last four decades on learning and teaching in higher education rarely match the two processes studying them as if they were separate entities. In addition, the gap remains between the results of the research and its practical application. Thus, with this project for higher education, we intend construct a program containing the critical components identified as determinants for the quality of learning and academic success. This program will be a resource that can be used autonomously by the students to monitor their learning process and, at the same time, a reference to good practices for teachers. At the end it will be built a computer application of the program that will be available in Portuguese and English.


Goals, activities and expected/achieved results


Pretende-se assim com este projecto estabelecer uma relação directa entre a investigação e a aplicação directa ao contexto, contrastar perspectivas de alunos e professores e produzir recursos alinhados com o desenvolvimento tecnológico. No final pretendemos disponibilizar um recurso atrativo que promova a qualidade da aprendizagem e do ensino e contribua para reduzir o flagelo das elevadas taxas de insucesso academico e abandono.


International Network – “Dynamiques Universitaires pour une société de la Connaissance: aspects interculturels”.

Seminars on development of study and learning skills for university students.

Intervention in the development of study and learning skills with university students (SEC-PSI)


Para além da publicação de artigos científicos, capítulos de livros, comunicações em congressos nacionais e internacionais, na etapa final de desenvolvimento do projecto pretendemos, também, disponibilizar um recurso atrativo que promova a qualidade da aprendizagem e do ensino em contextos de educação superior.

Attribute Type Value
id integer 3780