Assessment and teaching in the Portuguese and Brasilian Elementary School: Reationship with Learning Processes

Cofinanciado por:
Project title | Assessment and teaching in the Portuguese and Brasilian Elementary School: Reationship with Learning Processes
Project Code |
Main objective |

Region of intervention |

Beneficiary entity |
  • Universidade de Évora(parceiro)
  • Universidade Federal do Pará(parceiro)

Approval date | 27-02-2014
Start date | 27-02-2014
Date of the conclusion | 27-02-2015

Total eligible cost |
European Union financial support |
National/regional public financial support |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 4500 €


This research project is based on the assumption that teachers’ knowledge, conceptions and experience are related to the way they organize the teaching and the assessment. Consequently, there are relationships that should be described and understood among the teachers’ practices in the domains of education and assessment and the learning developed by their pupils. Thus, it is intended to describe, analyze and interpret the teaching and assessment carried out in different Portuguese and Brazilian classes of elementary school (7 – 10 years). The main idea is to understand the relations between such practices and the improvement in the students’ learning and their performance.

Goals, activities and expected/achieved results

1- Identificar as práticas avaliativas desenvolvidas em diferentes escolas portuguesas e brasileiras

2-Compreender as relações entre essas práticas e a aprendizagem e o sucesso dos alunos

Attribute Type Value
id integer 2933