Agriculture and Energy Efficiency

Cofinanciado por:
Project title | Agriculture and Energy Efficiency
Project Code | AGREE
Main objective |

Region of intervention |

Beneficiary entity |
  • Agricultural University of Athens(parceiro)
  • Fachagentur Nachwashsende Rohstoff e.V.(parceiro)
  • Institute of Agricultural Engineering Bornim(parceiro)
  • Universidade de Évora(parceiro)
  • University of Helsinki(parceiro)

Approval date | 01-10-2011
Start date | 01-10-2011
Date of the conclusion | 30-09-2013

Total eligible cost |
European Union financial support |
National/regional public financial support |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 42819 €


Until now energy efficiency in agriculture has received little attention, except for energy use in greenhouses.
Nevertheless, it is considerable, especially when indirect energy use is taken into account. AGREE has the
objective of showing the potential of short term energy efficiency gains and the promise of the long term
potential. Environmental effects of savings on direct and indirect energy use in agriculture are integrally
considered, as energy use efficiency also implies reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Because energy
savings in agriculture depend highly on the agri-environment (climate), AGREE will bring together south-eastern,
south-western, north-eastern and north-western agroproduction systems. Evidence from energy saving potential
and corresponding environmental and economical effects on country level are brought to the transnational level
to identify an agenda for transnational collaboration to increase the learning curve on energy use efficiency.
AGREE will set up a participatory process for two reasons. 1. Stakeholders will be involved in the set-up of
the agenda which will facilitate the implementation of the results. 2. AGREE needs the opinions and views
of stakeholders to produce an agenda that reflects the needs of and opportunities by practice. To ensure
implementation, a link has been created with a European network of researchers committed to adopt the issue.
This network (ENGAGE) is closely associated with the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EuAgEng).
This link will facilitate the adoption process. To ensure that the results will create relevant and effective R&D
programmes, AGREE has established a close link with the Collaborative Working Group on Agriculture and
Energy. This group is embedded in SCAR and the KBBE-Net and is thus positioned to translate the AGREE
agenda, into commitment for effective R&D on energy efficiency. To this end, it is important that AGREE provides
evidence of the added value of such research.

Goals, activities and expected/achieved results

The central objective of AGREE is to put energy efficiency in agriculture on the research agenda
based on its short and long term potential and the associated economical and ecological effects.
More specifically, this means transferring the results of AGREE to the European Commissions, the
CWG AgriEnergy, national organisations that fund agricultural research and relevant European
branch organisations (such as COPA COGECA). Also, it means linking up with existing networks
with relevance to the issue, such as R&D networks (i.e. European Technology Platforms). To this
end, it is important to actively involve stakeholders in the project.
The central objective will be met by the following set of actions to be taken up by AGREE and its
expected outcomes:
 Making an inventory of economic feasible energy saving measures either taken up by
the agricultural industry, or close to introduction, in different European countries under
various climatic conditions.
 Based on the inventory, proposing actions to promote energy efficiency in European
agriculture addressing dissemination pathways and pitfalls to innovation.
 Initiating transnational sharing of knowledge on energy efficiency measures for short
term introduction.
 Realising an agenda for transnational research collaboration using a participatory
approach. This Agenda will target the potentials offered by several agricultural
production systems, building types and designs, ventilation and other climate control
processes, use of inputs, in agriculture machinery design and use and farm logistics.
 Indicating the added value of transnational R&D on energy efficiency in agriculture.
 Indicating the potential benefits of energy saving in European agriculture by providing
evidence for the economic and ecological side-effects of improved energy efficiency in
 Involving stakeholders in selected countries and presenting the AGREE results to
funding organisations and R&D networks.