EVOLV - Evolution of linear volcanic ridges in central Azores: interaction between magmatic and tectonic processes

Cofinanciado por:
Project title | EVOLV - Evolution of linear volcanic ridges in central Azores: interaction between magmatic and tectonic processes
Project Code | PTDC/CTE-GIN/71838/2006
Main objective |

Region of intervention |

Beneficiary entity |
  • Universidade de Évora(líder)
  • Ministerio da Defesa - Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental - EMEPC(parceiro)
  • Universidade de Lisboa - Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências(parceiro)

Approval date | 12-09-2007
Start date | 15-09-2007
Date of the conclusion | 15-09-2010

Total eligible cost |
European Union financial support |
National/regional public financial support |
Apoio financeiro atribuído à Universidade de Évora | 83620 €


The EVOLV project will perform an oceanographic cruise (TAGS cruise) and its main objective is the petrological/geochemical and tectonic study of convergent linear volcanic ridges in a region E-SE of Terceira Island. Therefore we intend to constrain several alternative models to explain the growth and morphology of these submarine structures: i) migration towards the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) of more depleted magmas than those observed in Terceira Island as the result of oceanic crust formation along the Terceira Rift; ii)  migration of plume type magmas towards the MAR as a consequence of plume-ridge interaction processes; iii) recent reorientation of the structures and magmatic activity along the Terceira Rift as constrained by the present day kinematic of this plate boundary. In fact, the extensional direction expected from the NUVEL-1A model is different from that obtained from recent GPS measurements.

Goals, activities and expected/achieved results

1. Aumentar a cobertura, por multi-feixe, do fundo marinho da região dos Açores;

2. Estudar processos de interacção entre actividade magmática e tectónica na plataforma submarina dos Açores, em particular na zona de fronteira de placas Eurásia-Nubia;

3. Caracterizar o risco sismo-vulcânico associado às cristas vulcânicas submarinas.

Attribute Type Value
id integer 1225