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Fernando Branco Correia

Assistant Professor (Department of History)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Photo of Fernando Branco Correia
Doctoral Degree: História (Universidade de Évora - 2010)
Master Degree: Mestrado de História Medieval/História Medieval (FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa - 1999)
Bachelor's Degree: História (FLL - Universidade de Lisboa - 1982)
Department of History Assembly (Member)
CIDEHUS - Interdisciplinary Center for History, Cultures and Societies (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Comissão de Curso do Mestrado em História do Mediterrâneo Islâmico e Medieval (Deputy)
Conselho Científico (CIDEHUS) (Advisor)
History of Medieval iberia
History of the Islamic World
History of Al-Andalus الأندلس
Art, Architecture and Culture in the islamic World
Arabic Language and its varieties
Arabic medieval sources

Scientific board of Campo Arqueológico de Mértola
Scientific committee of "Arqueologia Medieval"
Board of Editor of " Intus - Legere historia" - Santiago de Chile

CIDEHUS-UE - linha 1

Associação Portugiesa dos Amigos dos Castelos - Co-fundador e Vice-Presidente de 2013 a 2021

Academia Portuguesa dea História - sócio correspondente

MEM - Middle East Medievalists - member

Prémio Pedro Cunha Serra, pela Academia Portuguesa da História (2014).

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