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Alfred Stadler

Associate Professor (Department of Physics)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Photo of Alfred Stadler
Doctoral Degree: Física Teórica/Física Nuclear (Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Áustria - 1989)
Master Degree: Física Teórica/Física Nuclear (Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Áustria - 1985)
Bachelor's Degree: Física Teórica/Física Nuclear (Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Áustria - 1985)
Department of Physics Assembly (Member)
Course Commission of the PhD Program in Physics (Deputy)
Física Hadrónica
Fisica Nuclear e das Partículas
CERN/FIS-PAR/0023/2021 / FCT
acrónimo: MQStrong
finished in 14/03/2024
PTDC/FIS/113940/2009 / FCT
finished in 30/09/2013
Sofia Leitão, Alfred Stadler, M. T. Peña, Elmar P. Biernat, EPJ Web Conf., 137 (2017) 06014
S. Leitão, A. Stadler, M. T. Peña, E. P. Biernat, Acta Physica Polonica B Supp. 10, 939 (2017)
Leitão, S., Stadler, A., Peña, M.T.,Biernat, E.P., Few-Body Syst (2017) 58: 91.
Leitão, S., Li, Y., Maris, P. ,Peña, M.T., Stadler, A., Vary, J.P., Biernat, E.P., Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77: 696.
Peña, M.T., Leitão, S., Biernat, E.P. et al. Few-Body Syst (2016) 57: 467.
Sofia Leitão, Alfred Stadler, M.T. Peña, Elmar P. Biernat, "Covariant Spectator Theory of heavy-light and heavy mesons and the predictive power of covariant interaction kernels", Physics Letters B, Volume 764, 10 January 2017, Pages 38-41.
Elmar P. Biernat, M. T. Peña, J. E. Ribeiro, A. Stadler and F. Gross, "Quark model with chiral-symmetry breaking and confinement in the Covariant Spectator Theory", EPJ Web of Conferences, 113 (2016) 05004
S. Leitão, A. Stadler, M.T. Peña, E.P. Biernat, "Heavy-Light Mesons in Minkowski Space", Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement 9(3):641, 2016.
E.P. Biernat, M.T. Peña, F. Gross, A. Stadler, E. Ribeiro, "Chiral-symmetry Breaking and Pion Structure in the Covariant Spectator Theory", Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 9, 647 (2016).
Sofia Leitão, Alfred Stadler, M. T. Peña and Elmar P. Biernat, "Quarkonia and heavy-light mesons in a covariant quark model", EPJ Web of Conferences, 113 (2016) 03013
Elmar P. Biernat, M. T. Peña, J. E. Ribeiro, Alfred Stadler, and Franz Gross, AIP Conference Proceedings 1701, 040003 (2016)
L E Marcucci, F Gross, M T Peña, M Piarulli, R Schiavilla, I Sick, A Stadler, J W Van Orden and M Viviani, Electromagnetic structure of few-nucleon ground states, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 43 (2016) 023002 (64pp)
S. Leitão, A. Stadler, M. T. Peña, E. P. Biernat. A covariant constituent-quark formalism for mesons. Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. Vol. 8, No. 1, 133 (2015)
M. T. Peña, E. P. Biernat, A. Stadler, Few-Body Syst. 56, 389-394 (2015)
Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, M. T. Peña, Alfred Stadler, Few-Body Syst. 55, 705 (2014)
Elmar P. Biernat, M. T. Peña, J. E. Ribeiro, Alfred Stadler, and Franz Gross, Phys. Rev. D 90, 096008 (2014)
Alfred Stadler, Sofia Leitão, M. T. Peña, and Elmar P. Biernat, Few-Body Syst. 55, 701 (2014)

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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