Aurora Galego
Associate Professor (Department of Economics)
Employment contract in public functions indefinitely
Doctoral Degree: Economia (University of Bristol, UK - 1998)
Master Degree: Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão (ISEG-ITL - 1992)
Bachelor's Degree: Economia (Universidade de Évora - 1988)
Department of Economics Assembly (Member)
CEFAGE - Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Comissão de Avaliação da Escola de Ciências Sociais (Coordinator)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão (Deputy)
Comissão de Curso do Mestrado em Economia (Deputy)
Pereira, J., A. Galego (2018), "Inter-country wage differences in the European union", International Labour Review, 157(1), 101-128
Galego A, Pereira J, 2014, "Decomposition of regional wage differences along the wage distribution in Portugal: the importance of covariates" Environment and Planning A 46(10) 2514 - 2532
Galego, Aurora and José Catano (2012), "Institutional and Economical determinants of FDI: a comparison between the European Union and the MENA region", Review of Middle East Economy and Finance, Volume 8, Issue 1, 1-23
Galego, Aurora e António Caleiro (2011) "Understanding the transition to work for first degree university graduates in Portugal", Notas Económicas, 2011, Junho, 44-61
Caetano, José and Aurora Galego(2007),"In Search for the Determinants of Intra-Industry
Trade Within an Enlarged Europe", South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 2, 163-183
Caetano, José and Aurora Galego(2006), "Trade Flows among CEEC and EU Countries: What are the future perspectives?", Revista de Economía Mundial, vol. 15, 65-87.
The CEEC as FDI Attractors: A Menace to the EU Periphery?
Aurora Galego, Carlos Vieira and Isabel Vieira
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade
Vol. 40, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 2004), pp. 74-91
* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.