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Paulo Manuel de Barros Correia

Assistant Professor (Department of Mathematics)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Doctoral Degree: Matemática (Instituto Superior Técnico/Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - 2004)
Master Degree: Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica e Capacidade Científica/Matemática (Universidade de Évora - 1995)
Bachelor's Degree: Ensino de Matemática/Matemática (Universidade de Évora - 1990)
Department of Mathematics Assembly (Member)
CIMA - Research Centre for Mathematics and Applications (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Matemática (Deputy)
Comissão de Curso do Mestrado em Matemática e Aplicações (Deputy)
Conselho Científico (CIMA) (Advisor)
Differential Equations and Optimization (DEO) (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais; Mecânica dos Fluidos; Programação

Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações

F. Carapau, P. Correia: Numerical simulations of a third-grade fluid flow on a tube through a contraction, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, V.65 (2017), pp.45-53
Carapau, F. Correia, P., One-dimensional Model for Fluids of Third-grade in Tubes with Constant Radius, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistic, Volume 55, Issue 3, pp. 1-13, 2016.
F., Carapau, P., Correia, L.M., Grilo, Specific shear-dependent viscosity third-grade fluid model, ICCMSE 2016, 17-24 March, Athens, Greece, AIP Conference Proceeding, 1790, 140008-1--140008-4; doi:10.1063/1.4968737.

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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