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Filipe Ribeiro

Invited Assistant Professor (Department of Sociology)

Fixed-term employment contract

Photo of Filipe Ribeiro
Doctoral Degree: Sociologia/Sociologia (Demografia) (Universidade de Évora - 2015)
Master Degree: Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados (Universidade de Évora - 2010)
Bachelor's Degree: Sociologia (Universidade de Évora - 2007)
CIDEHUS - Interdisciplinary Center for History, Cultures and Societies (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Conselho Científico (CIDEHUS) (Advisor)
- Demografia/Demography;
- Sociologia/Sociology;
- Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados/Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis.
- Mortalidade/Mortality;
- Causas de Morte/Causes of Death;
- Projeções e Previsões Populacionais/Population Projections and Forecasts;
- Previsões de Mortalidades/Mortality Forecasts.
- Since January 2011: Fellow member at Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades (CIDEHUS) at the University of Évora;
- September 2010 to July 2011: Participation in the European Doctoral School of Demography integrated in the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research;
- September 2011 to September 2013: Guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Laboratory of Evolutionary Biodemography), Rostock, Germany;
- September 2013 to April 2015: Research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Laboratory of Evolutionary Biodemography), Rostock, Germany;
- Since May 2014: Member of the European Association Population Studies;
- Since April 2014: Member of the Population Association of America.


Ribeiro, F. e Missov, T.I. (2016). Revisiting mortality deceleration patterns under a gamma-Gompertz-Makeham framework. In Robert Schoen (Ed.) Dynamic Demographic Analysis, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-26601-5.
Mendes, M. F, Malheiros, J., Clemente, S., Batista, I., Pintassilgo, S., Ribeiro, F., Tomé, L.P., Bettencourt da Câmara, S. (2016). A Crise Demográfica: um país em extinção? Atas do V Congresso Português de Demografia. Associação Portuguesa de Demografia, 374 p. (ISBN 978-989-97935-3-8).
Serra, J., Ribeiro, F., Tomé, L., Mendes, Maria Filomena (2016), comunicação apresentada na ? 2nd EATSA - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association Conference, com o título, Crossing frontiers between tourism and demography. An empirical analysis based on European travellers' behaviour. 26 a 30 Junho 2016, Lisboa, Peniche and Coimbra, Portugal.
Serra, J., Ribeiro, F., Tomé, L., Mendes, M.F. (2016), comunicação apresentada no V Portuguese Congress of Demography, com o título, Determinants of European tourism demand in a demographic ageing society, 6-7 October, Lisbon, Portugal.
Serra, Jaime, Ribeiro, Filipe, Tomé, Lídia, & Mendes, Filomena (2016). Determinants of European tourism demand in a demographic ageing society. In A crise demográfica: Um País em Extinção?: Livro de resumos do V Congresso Português de Demografia (pp.26-27). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lisboa (ISBN: 978-989-97935-2-1).
Serra, Jaime; Ribeiro, Filipe; Tomé; Lídia and Mendes, Filomena (2016). Crossing frontiers between tourism and demography. An empirical analysis based on European travellers' behaviour. 2nd EATSA Conference, Lisboa, Peniche and Coimbra, 26-30 June. pp. 537-549.
TOMÉ, L.P.; RIBEIRO, F.; MENDES, M.F. (2014). Ageing alone? The future of the Portuguese Population in discussion? in Proceedings of the Sixth Eurostat /UNECE Work Session in Demographic Projections, pp. 287-298, Rome, Italy.
Mendes, M. F.,Tomé, L.P., Ribeiro, F., (2014), "The future of the Portuguese Population in discussion:How aging will influence household structures", in European Population Conference (EPC), Curvinos University, Budapest, Hungary, June 2014.
Mendes, M. F., Caleiro, A., Lagarto, S., Ribeiro, F., 2013. "An Application of Statistical Methods of Indirect Estimation and Projection of Internal Migration Flows Within the Portuguese Mainland". Advances in Regression, Survival Analysis, Extreme Values, Markov Processes and Other Statistical Applications. Series Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Springer Series. Subseries Selected Papers of the Statistical Societies. Lita da Silva, J.; Caeiro, F.; Natário, I.; Braumann, C.A. (Eds.).
Ribeiro, F., Tomé, L., Mendes, M. F., (2013), "Ageing alone? The future of the Portuguese Population in discussion", in Joint Eurostat -UNECE-ISTAT Work Session in Demographic Projections, Rome, Italy, October 2013.
Ribeiro, F., Mendes, M. F., (2013). "Cause of death contribution for the life expectancy difference registered between Portugal and Spain", in XX Congress of Association of Historical Demography (ADEH), University of Castilha La Mancha, Albacete, Spain. June.
Mendes, M. F., Oliveira, I., Magalhães, M. G., Ribeiro, Filipe, Tome, L., Zeman, K. (2011), Human Fertility Database Documentation: Portugal , in The Human Fertility Database, MPIDR/VID, Rostock.
Ribeiro, F: Estudo Estastístico dos fluxos migratórios em Portugal, no período de 1991 a 2001. Dissertação de Mestrado em Modelação Estatística e Análise de Dados, Universidade de Évora, Portugal.
Tomé, L.P., Ribeiro, F., Mendes, M. F.,Oliveira., I.T, (2013), "Health and life expectancy differences: Portugal, Spain, Italy and France ", in European Population Conference (EPC), Viena, Austria, September 2010.
Ribeiro, F.: Migrações inter-regionais em Portugal Continental no período inter-censitário 1991-2001. Trabalho de fim de Curso da Licenciatura em Sociologia, Universidade de Évora.

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