Hugo Folgado
Associate Professor (Proto-Department of Sport and Health)
Employment contract in public functions indefinitely
Doctoral Degree: Ciências do Desporto (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - 2014)
Master Degree: Ciências do Desporto com especialização em Jogos Desportivos Colectivos (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - 2010)
Bachelor's Degree: Educação Física e Desporto (Universidade de Évora - 2006)
Assembleia da Escola de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano (Member)
Department of Sports and Health Assembly (Member)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Ciências do Desporto (Director)
Comissão de Curso do Curso de Formação em O uso da tecnologia na análise da performance desportiva (Director)
Comissão de Curso do Formação Contínua em O Ensino do Futebol - Das escolas de iniciação ao futebol de 7 (Director)
Ethics Committee of University of Évora (Member)
Ethics Committee of University of Évora (President)
CHRC - Comprehensive Health Research Centre (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Conselho Científico da Escola de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano (Advisor)
General Council (Advisor)
Proto-Department of Sport and Health (Deputy)
Direção de Curso do Programa de Doutoramento em Motricidade Humana (Deputy)
Ciências do Desporto;
Treino Desportivo;
Jogos Desportivos Colectivos;
Sport Sciences;
Sport Coaching;
Team Sports;
Association Football.
Treino Desportivo;
Jogos Desportivos Colectivos;
Sport Sciences;
Sport Coaching;
Team Sports;
Association Football.
Exercise, sports sciences and human development
Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC)
em curso até 31/12/2026
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
acrónimo: UniverCIDADE VII
finished in 31/12/2022
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
acrónimo: UniverCIDADE VI
finished in 31/12/2020
CHRC Grant Research
acrónimo: COVID-19 pandemic
finished in 19/11/2022
PNDpT 909
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
acrónimo: UÉvora UniverCIDADE V
finished in 31/12/2019
PNDpT 331
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
finished in 31/12/2018
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
finished in 31/12/2017
UÉvora-UniverCIDADE II
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
finished in 31/12/2016
Processo 138262
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
finished in 05/03/2018
Coutinho, D., Gonçalves, B., Folgado, H., Travassos, B., Santos, S., & Sampaio, J. (2022). Amplifying the effects of adding extra players during association football game-based scenarios. PLoS ONE, 17(6), e0270052.
Coito, N., Folgado, H., Romero, F., Loureiro, N. & Travassos, B. (2022). Variations in individual player area in youth football matches: the effects of changes of players' age, numerical relations, and pitch zones. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 1-13.
Gonzalez-Artetxe, A., Arcos, A. L., Folgado, H., Rico-González, M. & Pino-Ortega, J. (2022). Effects of free-play or introducing artificial rules on tactical behavior based on soccer-team lines: A pilot study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 175433712211071.
Coutinho, D., Gonçalves, B., Folgado, H., Travassos, B., Santos, S., & Sampaio, J. (2022). Amplifying perceptual demands: How changes in the colour vests affect youth players performance during medium-sided games. PloS One, 17(1), e0262245. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0262245
Gonçalves, B., & Folgado, H. (2021). Novas tecnologias no espaço exterior. In A. Matias, G. Almeida, G. Veiga, & J. Marmeleira (Eds.), Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança XIV (pp. 304). Évora: Universidade de Évora.
Pereira, P., Gonçalves, B., Bravo, J., Fernandes, O., & Folgado, H. (2021). Variáveis multidimensionais em desportos coletivos. In A. Matias, G. Almeida, G. Veiga, & J. Marmeleira (Eds.), Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança XIV. Évora: Universidade de Évora.
Coutinho, D., Gonçalves, B., Santos, S., Travassos, B., Folgado, H., & Sampaio, J. (2021). Exploring how limiting the number of ball touches during small-sided games affects youth football players' performance across different age groups. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.
Gonçalves, B., Coutinho, c., Folgado, H., Ric, A., Malarranha, J., & Jaime, S. (2021). Strategy, Tactics and Home Advantage in Team Sports. In M. A. Gómez-Ruano, R. Pollard, & C. Lago-Peñas (Eds.), Home Advantage in Sport - Causes and the Effect on Performance: Routledge.
Gonçalves, B.; Mendes, R.; Folgado, H.; Figueiredo, P.; Travassos, B.; Barros, H.; Campos-Fernandes, A.; Beckert, P.; Brito, J. Can Tracking Data Help in Assessing Interpersonal Contact Exposure in Team Sports during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Sensors 2020, 20, 6163.
Coito, N., Davids, K., Folgado, H., Bento, T., & Travassos, B. (2020). Capturing and Quantifying Tactical Behaviors in Small-Sided and Conditioned Games in Soccer: A Systematic Review. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 00(00), 1-15.
Sampaio, J., Gonçalves, B., Coutinho D., Santos, S., Folgado, H., Travassos, B. (2019). Using tracking data from matches and training situations. In Football Analytics: Now and Beyond. A deep dive into the current state of advanced data analytics (pp. 115-129). Barcelona, Spain: Barca Innovation Hub.
Coutinho, D., Gonçalves, B., Travassos, B., Folgado, H., Figueira, B., & Sampaio, J. (2019). Different Marks in the Pitch Constraint Youth Players' Performances During Football Small-sided Games. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 0(0), 1-9.
Hugo Folgado, Jorge Bravo, Paulo Pereira & Jaime Sampaio (2018): Towards the use of multidimensional performance indicators in football small-sided games: the effects of pitch orientation, Journal of Sports Sciences
Hugo Folgado, Ricardo Duarte, Pedro Marques, Bruno Gonçalves & Jaime Sampaio (2018): Exploring how movement synchronization is related to match outcome in elite professional football, Science and Medicine in Football
Gonçalves, B., Coutinho, D., Travassos, B., Folgado, H., Caixinha, P., & Sampaio, J. (2018). Speed synchronization, physical workload and match-to-match performance variation of elite football players. PLoS ONE, 13(7), e0200019-16.
Figueira, B., Gonçalves, B., Folgado, H., Masiulis, N., Calleja-González, J., & Sampaio, J. (2018). Accuracy of a Basketball Indoor Tracking System Based on Standard Bluetooth Low Energy Channels (NBN23®). Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 18(6), 1940-8.
Gonçalves, B., Folgado, H., Coutinho, D., Marcelino, R., Wong, D., Leite, N., & Sampaio, J. (2018). Changes in Effective Playing Space When Considering Sub-Groups of 3 to 10 Players in Professional Soccer Matches. Journal of Human Kinetics, 62(1), 145-155.
Hugo Folgado, Bruno Gonçalves & Jaime Sampaio (2018) Positional synchronization affects physical and physiological responses to preseason in professional football (soccer), Research in Sports Medicine, 26:1, 51-63, DOI: 10.1080/15438627.2017.1393754
Gonçalves, B., Esteves, P., Folgado, H., Ric, A., Torrents, C., & Sampaio, J. (2016). Effects of pitch area-restrictions on tactical behavior, physical and physiological performances in soccer large-sided games. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
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