Elisabete Cristina Macedo Alves
Researcher (CHRC - Comprehensive Health Research Centre)
Fixed-term employment contract
CHRC - Comprehensive Health Research Centre (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Saúde Pública
Saúde Pública
Saúde e bem-estar
Saúde mental e qualidade de vida
Populações vulneráveis
Saúde mental e qualidade de vida
Populações vulneráveis
Global Mental Health and Human Rights - CHRC
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: XR2ESILIENCE
em curso até 31/07/2028
Cano F, Alves E, João A, Oliveira H, Pinho LG, Fonseca C. A rapid literature review on the health-related outcomes of long-term person-centered care models in adults with chronic illness. Front. Public Health. 2023; 11:1213816.
Quaresma, A., Alves, E., Fraga, S., & Henriques, A. Stressful life events and heart disease and stroke: A study among Portuguese older adults. Stress and Health. 2024; 40(2):e3312
Moura A, Teixeira F, Nogueira C, Henriques A, Freitas CD, et al. (2023) A mixed-methods study protocol on the psychosocial health of stroke survivors and their informal carers (CARESS): experiences, needs and quality of life. Ann Psychiatry Treatm 7(1): 010-017. DOI: 10.17352/apt.000048
Matos J, Moura A, Teixeira F, Henriques A, Alves E. Professional reintegration among professionally active Portuguese stroke survivors: a multicentric study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2023; 46(12), 2619-2628.
Alves E, Amorim M, Nogueira C. et al. Quality of Life of Mothers and Fathers 4 to 6 Months After Birth: The Effect of a Very Preterm Delivery. Matern Child Health J. 2023; 27, 1719-1725.
Moura, A., Magalhães, P., Pais, S. C., & Alves, E. (2023). Adaptation Processes of Survivors and Informal Caregivers after Stroke: A Scoping Review through the Lens of Educational Sciences. American Journal of Health Education, 54(4), 305-316. https://doi.org/10.1080/19325037.2023.2209614
Alves E, Amorim M, Nogueira C, Silva S. Parent-centred communication in Neonatal Intensive Care
Units: needs and sources of information. Pediatrics. 2023; 6(1): 1119
* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.