Margarida Simões
Assistant Professor (Department of Veterinary Medicine)
Employment contract in public functions indefinitely
One Health
Virology (African Swine Fever, Peste Petit Ruminant)
Parasitology (Toxoplasma gondii, Besnoitia besnoiti, Leishmania spp, Babesia spp)
One Medicine Microbiology (Tuberculosis e Brucelosis)
Comparative Oncology
Vector-Borne diseases
- Volunteer as a veterinarian (VSF-Portugal)
- Volunteer nurse (Associação Salvador, Saúde em Portugês) and a fire-fighter for several years
- Humanimal Trust Pledge
Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC) - infection, sepsis and AMR
Occurence of Hepatitis E (HEV) in Alentejo, mostly among extensive reared swine, ruminantes and wild mammals.
Project funded by MED - Instituto Mediterrâneo para a Agricultura, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (UÉvora), PI - João Tiago Marques
- ESCMID study groups (Young researcher)
- EAN - EPIET Alumni Network
- ENPEN (European Non Polio Enterovirus Network)
- OEnf (Ordem dos Enfermeiros, PT)
- OMV (Ordem dos Médicos Veterinários, PT)
- RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, UK)
- ECVPH (European College of Veterinary Public Health, subs. Population Medicine resident)
- VSF- PT (Veterinários Sem Fronteiras, Portugal)
- NEOH-EcoAlliance (Network for Evaluation for One Health & Eco Health Alliance)
- OHIN / SaPuVetNet & One Health Latin AMerica and Caribe
- WSV (World Society for Virology)
MED #13 (2020) Team member of the supported project: Assessing emerging zoonotic disease as threats in ecosystems: the case of Montado and Hepatitis E.
CIISA INOV (2018) - Seed grant for an exploratory Project with a multidisciplinary team form CIISA/FMV-ULisboa and INIAV (Virology lab) on Schamallenberg occurrence in Portugal
ASFORCE, FP7 - KBBE.2012.1.3-02 - Research fellow (1.April.2014 - 30.Sept.2015)
FCT (1.Fev.2010-31.Jan.2014) - PhD Fellowship in Veterinary Sciences for 48 months
Delta Cafés (2006) - Veterinary Medicine Internship, finantial support to participate in the Tripartite Effort on Transboundary Diseases project coordinated by ACD (Associação Ciência para o Desenvolvimento)
- Delta Cafés studentship support (2005/2006)