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Maria Inês Seabra

Senior Official (Marine Laboratory)

Fixed-term employment contract

Photo of Maria Inês Seabra
Master Degree: Mestrado em Biologia e Gestão de Recursos Marinhos/Biologia (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - 2007)
Bachelor's Degree: Biologia Aplicada aos Recursos Animais, Variante Marinhos/Biologia (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - 2003)
MARE-UE - MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (Collaborating Member)
Biologia e ecologia marinha

My scientific interests have been always centred in the broad field of Marine Ecology though my work has been spanning through different types of ecosystems and organisms.
I started working on coral reef ecology in Curaçao (The Netherlands Antilles), studying biological interactions between subtidal sessile organisms and “phase-shifts” in the dominance patterns of community composition within tropical coral reefs. Later on, I worked in the Azores Islands, analysing the relationships between cetaceans and the oceanic environment using Geographic Information Systems and modeling.
Presently, I am a PhD student (supervisors: Teresa Cruz and Stephen Hawkins) at University of Évora and my current research motivations are focused on rocky intertidal ecology, namely on the theme of my thesis (variability in the structure of tidepool communities and connectivity with the surrounding emersed rock).
The main topics of my on-going PhD studies are:
- Limpet populations within tidepools and neighbouring habitats in intertidal rocky shores of SW Portugal;
- The importance of tidepools as limpet nursery areas and limpet thermal refuges.
Along with my PhD work, since 2006 I have been participating in several other studies on the ecology of rocky shores in the SW coast of Portugal.

Grupo de investigação MARE: Estuários e Zonas costeiras


Linhas de investigação MARE: 
Ecologia, comportamento e conservação

Recursos vivos e não vivos
Avaliação ambiental e risco ecológico
Alterações ambientais globais
Processos ecológicos
Política e governança

MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre




July 2016 to present – Research fellow, U. Évora, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar.
Project: "AQUAPOLLIS + - Aquacultura do percebe (Pollicipes pollicipes)" (ALT 20-03-0145-FEDR-000003). PI: Teresa Cruz. Funded by ALENTJO 2020 (Progama Operacional Regional do Alentejo)

January 2016-June 2016 – Research fellow, U. Évora, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar.
Project: MAPSi 2015/2017 - Monitorização de ambientes marinhos do Porto de Sines. PI: João J. Castro. Funded by Administração do Porto de Sines (APS).

July 2014-December 2015 – Research fellow, U. Évora, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar.
Project: AQUAPOLLIS - Viabilidade biológica e económica da aquacultura de percebe (Pollicipes pollicipes) em Portugal” (operação 31-03-05-FEP-46). PI: Teresa Cruz. Funded by PROMAR – Programa Operacional de Pescas 2007-2013.

March-June 2014 – Research fellow, F. Luís de Molina, U. Évora, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar
Project: MAPSi 2012/2014 - Monitorização de ambientes marinhos do Porto de Sines. PI: João J. Castro. Funded by Administração do Porto de Sines (APS).

June 2010-December 2013 – Research fellow, U. Évora, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar.
Project: RISE & SHINE - Recruitment of intertidal rocky invertebrates: different components, scales and processes” PI: Teresa Cruz. Funded by FCT (PTDC/BIA-BEC/103734/2008).

2006-2010 – PhD fellow, U. Évora, Laboratório de Ciências do Mar.
PhD grant: Benthic communities of tidepools: variability and connectivity with the surrounding emergent substrata. Supervisors: Teresa Cruz and Stephen J. Hawkins. Funded by FCT (SFRH/BD/16693/2004/Y4ME).

2005 – Visiting Scholar, Coastal Institute of University of Rhode Island. Supported by a Grant from the Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD).
FLAD Grant: Cetacean distribution in the waters around the Azores Islands - application of geographic information systems and ecological modelling on the characterization and prediction of spatial-temporal distribution and habitat-use patterns relatively to environmental factors. Supervisors: Peter August and João Gonçalves.

2004-2005 – Research fellow, IMAR-DOP / University of the Azores.
Project: CETAMARH - Ecology and population structure of bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales in the Azores: assessing the relationship with habitat features. PI: Ricardo Serrão Santos. Funded by FCT (POCTI/BSE/38991/2001).

2002-2003 – Undergraduate internship, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research / Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity Foundation. Supported by a Leonardo da Vinci Fellowship and a PRODEP Grant.
Project: Interactions between scleractinian corals and benthic algae in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Supervisor: Rolf Bak

Lima, F. P., Gomes, F., Seabra, R., Wethey, D. S., Seabra, M. I., Cruz, T., Santos, A. M. and Hilbish, T. J., 2016. Loss of thermal refugia near equatorial range limits. Global Change Biology, 22 (1): 254-263.
Bertocci I., Seabra M., Dominguez R., Jacinto D., Ramírez R., Coca J., Tuya F. 2014. Effects of loss of algal canopies along temperature and irradiation gradients in continental Portugal and the Canary Islands. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 506: 47-60.

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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