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Bruno Miguel de Almeida Dionísio

Assistant Professor (Department of Sociology)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Photo of Bruno Miguel de Almeida Dionísio
Doctoral Degree: Sociologia (Universidade Nova de Lisboa - 2010)
Bachelor's Degree: Sociologia (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - 2001)
Department of Sociology Assembly (Member)
CICS.NOVA - Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Sociologia (Deputy)
Comissão de Curso do Mestrado em Sociologia (Deputy)
Scientific Council of School of Social Sciences (Advisor)
Direção de Curso do Programa de Doutoramento em Sociologia (Inter-Universitário) (Deputy)
Social Sciences (Sociology)
School Justice and Social Recognition;
Public Controversies;
Vulnerabilities and Care Devices;
Ethical Dilemmas of Research and Intervention with Fragile Actors

Research Group 6 (Education, Knowledge and Culture), Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, University of Évora (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora)

- Portuguese Association of Sociology: co-coordinator of the Thematic Section of Sociology of Education;

- Founding member of Coletivo Pragmaticus

- Post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH / BPD / 109136/2015) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (2016-2019);

- Research grant from the Social Sciences Institute of the University of Lisbon (2009)

- PhD fellowship (SFRH / BD / 18498/2004) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (2004-2008)

Torres, L. L., Dionísio, B., Alves, M. G. (2022).L'art de bien confiner : les routines d'accompagnement scolaire des familles portugaises en temps de pandémie. Éducation Comparée - Revue de recherche internationale et comparative en éducation. Vol. 26-2.
Dionísio, B. (2022). Suportar um mundo escolar inclusivo: roturas e rotinas da intervenção na vulnerabilidade (pp. 301-309). Em: Palhares, J. A., Afonso, A. J. (coord.), Infância(s) e juventude(s) na educação contemporânea. Braga, Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Educação (DCSE), Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd).
Gaio Alves, M., Torres, L.L., Dionísio, B. (2019). The Sociology of Education in Portugal: Towards a Renewed Critical Space. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(3), 40-61. doi: 10.14658/pupjijse-2019-3-3

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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