Joana Isabel Palma Machorrinho
Invited Assistant Lecturer (Proto-Department of Sport and Health)
Fixed-term employment contract
CHRC - Comprehensive Health Research Centre (Integrated Member at pre-doctoral level)
Bolsa de Doutoramento financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Grant number: UI/BD/150985/2021)
Marmeleira, J., Machorrinho, J., Santos, G. & Veiga, G. (2023). Psychomotor intervention in intimate partner violence: Empirical support for preventive and therapeutic approaches. In: Charles Bennett (Ed.) Domestic and sexual violence and abuse. Nova Science Publishers, New York.ISBN: 979-8-88697-713-4 (eBook)
Machorrinho, J., Veiga, G., Santos, G. & Marmeleira, J. (2023) Battered Body, Battered Self: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Embodiment-Related Impairments of Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2023.2178989
Machorrinho, J., Veiga, G., Santos, G. & Marmeleira, J. (2022). Physical activity and its associations with quality of life of female victims of domestic violence living in shelters [Oral communication]. 2nd CHRC Summit. CHRC, Évora. Portuguese Journal of Public Health. 40:1-24.
Machorrinho, J., Veiga, G., Santos, G. & Marmeleira, J. (2022). Embodiment: features, measures and importance in intimate partner violence. In: Colin Martin, Victor Preedy and Vinood Patel (Eds.) Handbook of Anger, Aggression and Violence. Springer, Switzerland
Machorrinho, J., Veiga, G., Santos, G., & Marmeleira, J. (2021). Body ownership of women with and without history of intimate-partner violence [Poster]. Presented Poster at Encontro Ciência 2021, online, junho de 2021.
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