National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance


Collaborative infrastructure that promotes the networking of researchers and the sharing of equipment, data, collections and tools in Solid Earth Sciences (SES).

The national node of the European research infrastructure CLARIN, which stands for “Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure”, provides useful resources and technologies for academics and experts in various scientific areas whose research, development or innovation topics concern or are related to the processing of National Language, in this particular case, the Portuguese language.

The Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network, CoastNet, is a research infrastructure implemented by two MARE centres (Marine and Environmental Sciences Center) linked to the University of Évora and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. It aims at deepening scientific knowledge on the functioning of coastal ecosystems through a remote monitoring system.
The novelty of this multidisciplinary infrastructure lies in the independent collection of biological and environmental data, transmitting them near real-time, thus enabling the analysis of long-term trends and spatial variability. CoastNet is useful for monitoring coastal and estuary ecosystems and the lack of this type of infrastructures in the country makes it highly important.

The ESMO-PT is a large-scale Marine Sciences and Marine Environment scientific and technological research infrastructure that coordinates the activities of observatories, infrastructures and ESMO laboratories established in Portugal.

ENGAGE SKA - "Enabling Green E-science for the SKA Research Infrastructure" is a consortium formed by the Institute of Telecommunications of Aveiro, the University of Aveiro, the University of Porto, the University of Coimbra, the University of Évora, the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, and the RAEGE Azores Association. It carries out research and innovation activities in Portugal in the design, prototyping and operation of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope and its precursors. The OBLIVION supercomputer, acquired for the ENGAGE SKA research infrastructure – the national scientific community interface for SKA – is used to process large volumes of data resulting from the activities developed in Portugal and those from the SKA. The scientific community and companies will use the supercomputer through the National Network for Advanced Computing (FCT/FCCN). The research infrastructure is funded by FCT, the Foundation for Science and Technology, POCI and COMPETE 2020, reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022217.

The HERCULES Lab – University of Évora, the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) and the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), through the José de Figueiredo Laboratory (LJF), have set up the joint infrastructure devoted to the study of heritage, whether tangible or intangible, which aims to provide a number of analytical means and scientific knowledge in this area.

The partnership provides for a laboratory infrastructure open to researchers and heritage science research teams, as well as to public institutions and private companies, integrating Research, Development and Application (RD&A) in the field of Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Conservation.

The infrastructure is incorporated in the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance (RNIIE) and is Portugal’s national platform of the European consortium “E-RIHS- European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science”, which was integrated in 2016 in the ESFRI- European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures roadmap, and is the only existing infrastructure in the field of Social and Cultural Innovation to include the new roadmap.

With its core focus on thermal conversion of solar energy at medium/high temperatures, this infrastructure is aimed at developing solar energy concentration technologies. As regards the development of concentrating systems, it also addresses their potential use in fields ranging from water desalination or treatment, industrial process heat, to thermoelectric production or solar fuels, promoting technology transfer to the industry and enabling a holistic approach to the product development process.