Agricultural Waste Management

Name: Agricultural Waste Management
Code: PAO10306O
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide the students with the main concepts of residue and sub-product, its origin, characteristics, uses and possible transformations, and a deeper understanding and application of the processes, factors and balances.


Concept of agricultural waste and its characteristics.
Origin and productive potential.
- Agricultural waste,
- Industry from agricultural transformation,
- Activities that generate agricultural waste,
Characteristics and Uses:
- Leftovers of crops,
- Forest residues,
- Animals residues,
- Industrial and Agri-food residues,
- Material residues from plantation protection,
Agricultural waste application and recycling.
- Concept,
- Raw materials,
- Techniques,
- Process operations,
- Conditioning factors,
- Quality evaluation,
- Improving agents,
- Storage,
- Frequent mistakes,
- Introduction,
- Heavy Metals,
- Toxic substances
- Nutrient balance,
- Salinity
- Pathogenic

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical lessons transmitting fundamentals and concepts, complemented by seminars given by invited experts in the context of the concepts presented.

Practical work with oral presentation will contribute with 80% of the final classification and one individual test on all the lectured matter that scores 20%.