One Health – Human and Animal Public Health

Master Degree

Ano Letivo 2025/2026

Course Overview

FCM|NMS is the Coordinating Institution of the 3rd Edition of the Master in One Health: Human and Animal Public Health. Candidates placed within the scope of this competition must register and register within the deadline indicated by the competent FCM|NMS Services. Please see:

Registration is only valid for the academic year referred to in this Notice and expires if registration is not completed within the set deadline.
FCM|NMS reserves the right not to make up classes, in cases where the candidate's enrollment/registration occurs after the beginning of the academic year, for reasons not attributable to FCM|NMS.
Annually, until the completion of the Master's Degree, students must register with the FCM|NMS Academic Service and pay the respective insurance, fees and tuition fees within the deadlines published for this purpose by this Institution.
Course in Association/Partner Institutions:
  • NOVA - Medical School
Organic Unit: School of Science and Technology
Duration: 4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (60 required in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese, English
Regime: Presencial
CNAEF Areas:
  • Health (others) (729)

Career Prospects

At Local, Regional, National and International level
• Bodies responsible for wildlife promotion and protection
• Bodies responsible for zoonosis control in both human and animal health institutions
• Bodies responsible for promoting public health
• Health policy development bodies
• Environment and climate change bodies
• Global trade / food security bodies
• Urbanism and sanitation bodies
• Research
• Teaching - Academic career

Specific Entry Requirements

Formalization of applications: Applications must be made exclusively via the Internet, by completing the application form available at the following address:

List of mandatory documents required to complete the process:
a) Copy of the certificate(s) of qualifications for the academic degree(s) obtained, indicating the respective final classification and ECTS. All academic degrees indicated in the curriculum vitae must be proven with the respective qualification certificates (copies). If the candidate holds foreign qualifications recognized/equated1 to the corresponding Portuguese qualifications, they must submit a copy of these documents
b) Copy of valid personal identification document (identity card or citizen card). If the candidate expresses his opposition to the reproduction/copy of the identification document, he must go to the Academic Service desk of the FCM|NMS, to display the document, until the last day of the application period;
c) Curriculum Vitae (indicate the level of knowledge of English and Portuguese according to the Common European Framework of Reference for CEFR Languages:;
d) Letter of motivation for completing this Master?s degree;
e) Other documents that the candidate considers relevant for assessing their curricular merit (if applicable);

All documents mentioned in the previous paragraphs that are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be translated into one of these languages (recognized/validated translation).
Note: In addition to the documents mentioned above, the international candidate must also submit a Declaration, under oath, that they do not have Portuguese nationality, nor are they covered by any of the exceptions that, under the terms of Decree-Law No. 36/2014, of March 10th, exclude you from International Student status.

All documents mentioned in point 4.2 must be inserted into the application portal when filling out the application form. To facilitate identification, all files must be saved with the document identification, followed by the name (example: CV_NAME_NAME).

Applications are excluded if:
a) Do not comply with the instructions and procedures referred to in point 4 of this Notice;
b) Do not meet the Specific Access Conditions established in point 3 of this Notice;
Candidates who make false statements are excluded from the application process at any time.
The decision regarding exclusion from the application process is the responsibility of the Jury, which carries out a prior hearing of candidates within the deadlines legally established in this Notice.

Access Routes and Applications

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

2500.00 €

Course Committee

Do you want an academic experience in another national or international higher education institution?

Get to know the programs, the partner institutions where you can do a period of mobility.


Information not available.


Contact Information

Director: Margarida Simões []

Academic Manager: Maria João Doutor Zorro
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE