Conversion and Storage Technologies

Name: Conversion and Storage Technologies
Code: EME10370M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Renewable Energy Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The course aims to create a comprehensive view of the different renewable energy conversion technologies, also encompassing the study of the main thermodynamic cycles and the fundamental concepts of energy storage; indispensable for the understanding of the remaining subjects.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Develop student skills in the following:
- Know the cogeneration and trigeneration technologies.
- Know evaluating bioenergy resources available in the area.
- familiar with the technology of anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, combustion, gasification and biomass treatment processes. As well as those related to energy crops and biofuels.
- able to assess the availability of renewable resources in a territory.
- How to manage, coordinate and direct activities related to renewable energy production.
- Develop studies on the behavior of technical systems, economic, environmental and social consequences for the production of renewable energy.
- familiar with the technologies associated with the deployment of wind farms and isolated systems.
- Participate in the development and management of wind systems.
- Learn to evaluate and select the solar tracking systems that are best suited to specific limitations.



Thermal-chemical conversion: combustion

Thermal conversion - power: solar thermal and biomass

Electrical-mechanical conversion

Conversion chemistry - physical, electrical power y

Other energy storage technologies

Electricity generation centralized and decentralized

Teaching Methods

The teaching method will follow the guiding line of the theoretical concepts to be taught, according to the discipline program, and will be complemented by: debate on the topics taught, solving exercises, carrying out two laboratory experiments, and, if possible, a visit to an installation. It is intended that all this activity is as updated as possible and that it allows both the understanding of the concepts and their practical realization, essential for professional achievement.

The evaluation will have the following structure:

1. Continuous evaluation (100%)
i. Attendance (10%)
ii. Resolution of exercises (15%)
iii. Laboratory experience report (15%)
iv. Frequency (60%)

2. Evaluation by exam (100%)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )