Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins

Name: Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins
Code: GEO10339M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide basic training for the characterization of the major mechanisms involved in formation, subsidence, and filling of sedimentary basins and also to develop a solid understanding of the major structural, tectonic (including convergent, divergent, and strike-slip domains), and geophysical processes that produce sedimentary basins. Importance for the research of natural resources.


1. Basic concepts for the analysis of sedimentary basins.
2. Interplay between basin analysis and different thematic areas of Earth Sciences.
3. The Wilson Cycle. The formation and evolution of sedimentary basins related to different models of build-up and evolution of the continental margins.
4. Classification and analysis of sedimentary basins in the framework of plate tectonics. Evolution of sedimentary environments and the sedimentary record in different tectonic contexts.
5. Syn-sedimentary and post-depositional deformation structures as markers of inner or outer basin dinamics.
6. Paleogeographic, paleotectonic and paleoclimatic reconstructions; criteria and methods
7. Basin characteristics for traps and reservoirs and for exploitation of economic resources or the selection of wasting sites.
Drawing of simplified paleogeographic maps based on geological mapping in sedimentary contexts. Field trips in areas of different tectonic contexts.

Teaching Methods

The teaching, supported in the use of multimedia projections and e-learning methods (use of the Moodle program) will include theoretical and practical lessons. In practical classes students will make the interpretation of geological maps including selected geological profiles.
The practical assessment will have a continuous component by the presentation of reports related to each map they interpreted, as well as the evaluation of the field books made during the field trips. Concerning the theoretical component, each student will make an oral presentation of a selected theme developed by consulting books and journals of the specialty and a final exam.