Marketing Research

Name: Marketing Research
Code: GES12676M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course has two main goals:
To provide some basic concepts of marketing and to provide some tools for conducting marketing research;
To teach particular marketing techniques for data management which are important to identify markets, to develop new ideas for products, and to assess profits.

General competences:
Capacity of analysis and synthesis;
Problems resolution;
Capacity of self-criticism;
Knowledge of a second language;

Specific competences:
Capacity to participate in decision making strategies;
Capacity to conduct oriented research;
Capacity to develop individual work;
Holistic vision and strategic opportunity;
Capacity for marketing segmentation;
Capacity to create positioning maps.


I. – Introduction and basic concepts of Marketing

II - Methodology for Data Collection
Decision about the type of information to collect.
Methods to collect primary data.
Measure and Scale Methods.
Construction of the instrument to sample data.
Sampling method
Work Field

III - Methodology for data analysis.
Steps of the process preparation data
Statistic techniques
Some specific methods useful in Marketing
– Clusters analysis
– Factorial analysis
– Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)

Teaching Methods

In this course the following methodologies will be used:
- Theoretical-practical lessons of 1h30m per week
- Indication of basic bibliography that students should read
- Problems resolution and discussion in the classroom.
- Using of a e-learning platform in order to achieve a higher interactivity and contact with students
- Lessons using computers with SPSS software.
Given the kind of course contents, it will be extremely impotant that students develop extra work at home, namely reading proposed bibliography and solving the proposed problems.
The assessment methods include a work group (TG 0.65), with discussion and oral presentation, individual resolution of 1 small problems (TI1 0.35).


The course evaluation process includes the elaboration of a group work (TG), oral presentation and discussion of the work, the elaboration of 2 group works with individual evaluation in the classroom (TGI1 and TGI2). The final grade will correspond to the classification resulting from the application of the following weighting:

NF = 0.65TG + 0.15 TGI1+0.20TGI2

A grade lower than 7 in any of the evaluation moments automatically implies that the student moves on to the final evaluation regime.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )