Consumer Behavior

Name: Consumer Behavior
Code: GES10964M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Objective and competences:
*To understand the consumption and buying behavior of individuals and organizations in different product and service's markets;
*To know the different theories and models of consumer behavior;
*To Understand the main factors influencing the consumer decision-making process;
*To know how to plan and implement consumer behavior studies;
*To understand the interrelationship between the studied topics.


1 - Studying consumer behavior
1.1 - Evolution and future tendencies
1.2 - Consumer studies methods
1.3 - Ethics in consumer behavior
2 - The consumption decision-making process
2.1 - Problem recognition and information search
2.2 - Alternative evaluation
2.3 - Purchase and consumption
2.4 - Post-purchase behaviour
3 - Influences to the decision making process
3.1 - Individual factors
3.2 - External factors
4 - Changing consumer behaviour
4.1 - Attitudes change
4.2 - Information processing

Teaching Methods

he teaching sessions are a combination of theory and practice and mix the deepening of theoretical knowledge, methodological and empirical research and its application to concrete cases. The sessions include cases discussion, analysis of ideas and videos, seminars, and, individual and group essays and paper presentation.

The evaluation is based on the results of one l individual - case study (30%), one group essay on external factors (40%) and a individual summary of a scientific article (30%). The minimum grade is 7.5.