Children's Health

Name: Children's Health
Code: ENF11417M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The curricular unit helps in the recognition of disease situations that influence the well-being of children, influencing learning.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Deepen knowledge in the field of child health to understand problems that influence children's learning.

-Understand, the influence of the educator / teacher, in the relationship of help in the area of health, of the child / family

- Encourage the use of the most recent scientific production, to improve communication skills in encouraging healthy lifestyles.

-Explore thematic areas such as citizenship, promoting child development.

-Know about risk situations that influence the child's quality of life


- Main stages of development and respective health surveillance, aspects that the educator can identify and notify.
-The infant's well-being, health promotion and prevention of risk situations.
-The importance of nutrition in development, essential nutrients in quantity and quality, to the child's concentration.
- Nutricional embalances, obesity and malnutrition, comorbidities.
-Sleep disorders, influence on child well-being.
-Chronic illness, warning signs, constraints on learning and school success.
- Child abuse, typology, epidemiology, warning signs. Support networks
- Emergency situations in children, some maneuvers to resolve Immediate, guidance on referring health problems of greater complexity.

Teaching Methods

Will be driven methodologies that encourage personal and professional development of students, based on a work of reflection, inquiry and continuous review, well targeted and framed in teaching sessions and tutorial guidance. Will also be created spaces for individual reflection and group
The evaluation of UC will be done through an individual work on a preselected theme, which will be presented in the classroom.
The oral presentation of the work in the classroom will have a weighting of 10%, and a written presentation of 90%.
Assessment for students who do not opt for continuous assessment will be made by exam.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )