Data Analysis with Statistical Software

Name: Data Analysis with Statistical Software
Code: MAT13617M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Mathematics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objectives of this course are: i) to provide the main concepts of descriptive statistics and statistical inference, developing in students the ability to, in a critical way, analyze and represent statistical data; ii) to address the use and interpretation of some basic techniques of statistical inference such as hypothesis tests and estimation of parameters in simple and multivariate regression models.

In the end of the course, the student must be able to critically analize a data set, and to select and identify the most appropriate methods to organize and present the information. In addition, the student must have developed the ability to use the appropriate software for data analysis.


Univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics.
Contingency tables and statistics of association.
Confidence intervals and parametric hypotheses testing.
Nonparametric hypothesis testing.
Simple linear regression.

All subjects involve the use of at least one statistical software, for instance, R, SPSS, Phyton and Excel.

Teaching Methods

The theoretical-practical classes are predominantly taught in the black board, with support of e-learning tools and the use of slides. Practical-laboratorial classes are taught using statistical software.
The theorical concepts are introduced using examples of direct application in several areas. Exercises are conducted, focusing on solving real and current problems. It focuses on the interpretation and analysis of data using the outputs of the statistical software.
Attendance, classroom participation and continued students’ assessments are encouraged.
It is given the privilege to the continuous evaluation, with several homework assignments and problem solving, done individually or in group. The final grade is the average score of the requested assigments scores.
In the evaluation by exam (60%) it will be necessary the use of the computer and the individual / group work is required although with lesser weight for final grade (40%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )