Management of Fisheries and Game

Name: Management of Fisheries and Game
Code: BIO08096M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Biology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


We learn about the most important Portuguese fisheries and game resources, how they are exploited and which policies favor their sustainable management and the conservation of their populations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

At the end of the UC the students should have improved their knowledge: i) on the main Portuguese halieutic resources, the fishing techniques used to catch them and the impacts of fishing in the aquatic ecosystems; ii) on the Portuguese game species and hunting methods; iii) on the management of game and inland fisheries; iv) on the methods concerning the assessment and monitoring of fisheries. It is expected that students will develop their English skills in what concerns the study of game and fisheries management. Students will be encouraged to present the results of their work in the form of reports (oral and printed) and interact with the other students in debates and use regularly the University of Évora e-learning platform (Moodle).


1. Principles of the management of game and inland fisheries. Regulation concerning game and inland fisheries. Legislation concerning coastal fisheries. Control of hunting activity and fisheries.
2. Main Portuguese halieutic resources. Fishing technology used in Portugal. Assessment and monitoring of halieutic resources. Impact of fisheries in the aquatic ecosystems. Fisheries management and mitigation measurements. Characterization of the agents and fishing instruments in inland fisheries. Restocking. Habitat manipulation.
3. Game species and hunting techniques. Bioecology, fenology and conservation status of game species. Problems related to the game management in agricultural zones, forestry and wetlands. Predator control. Management of habitats and hunted species. Management of migratory game species.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes and practical classes. A field trip to a hunting area and another field trip to a fishing area or a fisheries facility (fish market, fishing harbour).
Written exam (50%); Practical classes: a report each (40%); Field trip report (10%).