Mental health in aging

Name: Mental health in aging
Code: ENF14535M
Duration: 15 weeks/81 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Learning Goal: Develop specialized clinical competencies in mental health and psychiatry in the area of aging, at the three levels of prevention, and in various contexts.
Recognizes the strategies for mental health promotion in aging and mental disorder prevention, aiming at active and healthy aging
Understands the difference between physical dependence and psychosocial dependence and implications in the aging process
Demonstrates knowledge for diagnostic assessment and use of geriatric assessment tools
Knows how to implement psychosocial and psychoeducational interventions to the person, family and community, in the context of aging
Identifies and understands the epidemiology, manifestations and prevention of the main mental disorders associated with aging
Knows how to implement interventions to the elderly person with mental disorders
Demonstrates knowledge and skills in developing projects/programs to promote mental health


1. Contextualization of the aging process
2. Mental health promotion for active and healthy aging
3. Physical dependence versus psychosocial dependence and its implications in the aging process
4. Diagnostic assessment and geriatric assessment tools
5. Psychosocial and psychoeducational interventions to the person, family and community, in the context of aging
6. Epidemiological data and primary prevention of dementia, depression and suicide in the elderly
7. Psychopathology in aging, reaction to loss and illness
8. Programs and projects in mental health promotion and primary prevention of mental illness (context of aging)
9. Research studies in related areas

Teaching Methods

Demonstrative and expositive-participative method, using audiovisual media and practical exercises according to the topics covered. Individual and group discussion and reflection.
Evaluation strategies
Development and presentation of a project of continuous improvement of the quality of nursing care, related to mental health in aging evaluated individually. In the evaluation of this project, the criteria defined in an evaluation guide will be weighed, taking into account the following distribution
- Written work: 60%.
- Oral presentation and discussion: 40%.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )