Child and Pediatric Health Nursing I

Name: Child and Pediatric Health Nursing I
Code: ENF14526M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The course aims to enable students with advanced level knowledge and skills of advanced level , enabling him to respond effectively to the demands and needs of the child / young person youth throughout their life cycle, promoting and maximizing their health.
It is intended for the student to:
- Develop knowledge of parental relationships and linkage and about the process of growth and development of children and adolescent
- Recognize the binomial child/family, considering the specificities related to empowerment and maximizing health
- Favour family-centred care, considering the promotion and maintenance of the health of the child/youth
- Understand the influence of lifestyles on the health of the child /youth, framed in the different phases of the life cycle.
- Think critically and constructively about the context (family, school and community) of the growth and development of the child/youth, assessing and developing processes to promote healthy lifestyles.


1. Healthy growth and development of the children and adolescents
Assessment of growth and development
Child and Youth Health nursing consultation
Promotion and maximizing of the child/youth’s heath
Developmental Disorders
2. The child/youth and family
Inter-relational processes established between the child/youth and family/significant person or informal care giver
Parental relationships and linkage
Roles and relationships
Transition and development of parenthood
3. Specialized nursing care in the health of the child/youth
Care processes in Child Health and Paediatric
Parental involvement: negotiation processes, leadership, and decision
Collaborative intervention practice
4. Lifestyle and health of the child /youth
Lifestyles, health promotion and education for health
Influence of lifestyles on the health
Promoting healthy lifestyles

Teaching Methods

Expository and participatory approach, encouraging critical and reflective thinking of students.
Experts Seminars
Analysis of articles and reference documents.
Group dynamics and analyzing situations.
Tutorial orientation for student support in the monitoring and development of group work and clarify doubts.
Group work with individual presentation and discussion or individual assessment frequency. Each evaluation element should have a rating of 9.5 or more, to ensure success in the curricular unit.
Exam: Individual work or individual assessment frequency.