Functional Anatomy and Human Activity

Name: Functional Anatomy and Human Activity
Code: ENF14500M
Duration: 15 weeks/108 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Explain the descriptive concepts of human functional anatomy.
Apply the principles of functional anatomy in the analysis of motor activities.
Discriminate the references of surface anatomy in the human body.
Relate physical activity to health.
Analyse the relationship of physical environment with human activity (ergonomics).


1-Functional anatomy.
Joint movements of axial skeleton.
Joint movements of appendicular skeleton.
2- Muscle Actions
Physiology of muscle contraction.
Types of contraction and movement.
Functional groups.
Coordination of muscular functions.
Leverage in the human body.
3- Posture and gait
Good posture.
Evaluation of posture in the transverse, sagittal, and frontal plane.
Gait cycle.
Muscle actions in the gait cycle.
4- Surface Anatomy.
Bony, muscular and cutaneous references of head, trunk and members.
5 – Physical activity and health
Physical exercise in healthy populations
6-Human activity and physical environment
Concept of ergonomics
Working postures; Nature of tasks

Teaching Methods

The methodologies aim to produce learning and make students autonomous in the research and knowledge appropriation processes. Content transmission strategies are associated with discussion and analysis of the proposed themes, articulating the knowledge of functional anatomy with the clinical and conceptual usefulness in rehabilitation nursing. Convergent strategies with skills development include theoretical research and classroom debates. The orientation of the students is centered on the analysis of the proposed problem situations. Writing and speaking skills are developed in parallel with the acquisition of knowledge.
Students perform an individual test whose result defines the fine classification, on a scale of 0-20 points. In accordance with the Academic Regulation, students can choose the final evaluation method.