Safety of the Person in Critical Situation - Prevention and Control of IACS

Name: Safety of the Person in Critical Situation - Prevention and Control of IACS
Code: ENF14499M
Duration: 15 weeks/108 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Is expected the student to:
- Acquire specific knowledge about the Prevention and Control of Infection Associated with Health Care;
- Identify and frame the problem of IACS, based on the national plan for prevention and control;
- Identify situations with increased risk of infection transmission in the context of care for people in critical situations and take appropriate measures;
- Design an infection prevention and control plan to respond to the needs of the context of care for people in critical situations;
- Define continuous improvement processes for the prevention and control of IACS and security policies in providing care to people in critical situations.
- Know the typology of Hospital Waste and treatment operations.
- Consider the role of the Centralized Sterilization Service


1. Epistemology of HAI prevention and control
2. Basic precautions, route-dependent precautions, isolation measures
3. Multiresistant and epidemiologically important microorganisms
4. National and institutional organization of HAI prevention and control
5. National plan for the prevention and control of IACS
6. Individual and collective protection strategies
7. Sorting and packaging of waste, circuits and treatment
8. Disinfectants and antiseptic policy
9. Centralized Sterilization Service

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodologies recommended for this curricular unit focus on the student and the defined learning objectives.
The expository method will be used up to point 3 of the syllabus and from point 4 onwards, group work, analysis of legislation and reflection on concrete situations in the clinical practice of students will be used.
Carrying out, in a group of a maximum of 4 students, an infection prevention and control plan for a specific need in the context of care, with a weighting of 70%
Individual discussion of the infection prevention and control plan, with a weighting of 30%.
Assessment by exam:
Written test with 100% weighting