Environmental health

Name: Environmental health
Code: ENF14462M
Duration: 15 weeks/81 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


Analyze the intervention of the specialist nurse in community nursing and public health in environmental health

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

• Characterize health risk factors originating in the environment
• Discuss the impact of environmental issues on the health of people and communities
• Analyze the intervention of the specialist nurse in community nursing and public health in environmental health
• Participate in the planning of health promotion actions, within the scope of environmental health
• Recognize occupational health trends and issues
• Analyze and evaluate the nurse's intervention in occupational health


1. Environmental health and globalization
2. Water, air, soil, and food quality management
3. Waste Management
4. The impact of environmental issues on people's / community health - emerging and re-emerging pathologies
5. Environmental crises and disasters - specialized nursing interventions
6. Occupational health - health promotion in the workplace, work accidents and occupational diseases - specialized nursing interventions

Teaching Methods

The UC aims to promote an understanding of the dynamics inherent to environmental health. With the contents covered, the objective is to contribute to an awareness of the complexity, specificity and dynamics of this area.
The use of an expository method and discussion with students are foreseen in order to facilitate a more active and cooperative learning. There will also be discussion of cases and critical reading of articles.
For the assessment, an individual written work will be carried out, using a guiding guide, which will focus on the syllabus covered in the course.
Passing this course requires a grade of at least 10 (out of 20).