Research Methodology

Name: Research Methodology
Code: ECN14339D
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, French
Regime de Frequência: B-learning


The main goal of this Curricular Unit is to develop the methodological knowledge and skills necessary to elaborate a PhD research project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1§. Knowledge of the dominant research methods in political science and international relations, with a special emphasis on human rights.
2§. Capacities' building in order to determine the suitability of a particular method in relation to one’s particular project(s).
3§. Ability to independently carry out research and gain an appreciation of diverse research practices.
4§. Empowerment of new approaches in the program’s research activities.


1§. Epistemological and methodological considerations
2§. Research in Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights
3§. Ethics in research
4§. Theoretical argumentation and conceptualization
5§. Strategies and research methods: Qualitative, quantitative methods and mixed methods
6§. Research design
7§. Research and writing
7.1§. Exploration and analysis
7.2§. Conclusions and future research

Teaching Methods

In the teaching methodological framework, the following pedagogical models are used to consolidate knowledge and enhance participation:
1§ Theoretical and empirical exposition of the subject;
2§ Streamlining sessions to discuss research topics;
3§ The research work is carried out between 5000 and 6000 words, with presentation and defense of the final document.

Evaluation: Research work: 70%
Presentation/defense: 30%

Teaching Staff