Practices of Physical Activity in Basic Education

Name: Practices of Physical Activity in Basic Education
Code: DES10674L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In this curricular unit students are included in the dynamic process of teaching and learning at
the 1st cycle, by assisting the teacher in their pedagogical intervention.
- Understand and analyze reflexively the functioning of the school and its relationship with the
surrounding community;
- Understand the basic education curriculum and the guidelines of physical activity and sport
and of education and physical-motor expression
-Acquire a set of didactic knowledge enabling to intervene with technical and scientific
competence in the teaching-learning process at the 1st cycle;
-Experiencing a set of practical situations, in cooperation, to facilitate familiarization with the
reality of teaching in the area of Physical Activity and Sport in the 1st cycle, performing tasks of
planning, evaluation and teaching.
Skills to develop:
Plan, assess and intervene in real teaching in the area of physical activity in Basic Education.


1. The educational system and the curriculum in the 1st cycle of basic education;
2. Educational foundations and normative framework in the area of Physical Activity and Sport
and Expression and Physical-motor Education in the 1st cycle of basic education;
3. Programmatic guidelines for Physical Activity and Sports in the 1st cycle and the Program of
Expression and Physical Education Motor
4. Methodologies for pedagogical intervention of the various programmatic contents of
Physical Activity and Sport:
5. Planning of teaching: sources of structural planning, coordination between the various levels
of planning; conception of lesson plans.
6. Evaluation of teaching: criteria and evaluation indicators, diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment, conception and implementation of tools for assessment of learning.
7. The pedagogical intervention in the classroom: factors structuring the lesson plan, the
management of classroom and techniques of pedagogical intervention; strategic decisions for
classroom organization and pedagogical success; developing real situations of teaching and
learning and their critical analysis

Teaching Methods

The workload is 3 hours per week of field work in cooperating schools, with two classes of 1st cycle of basis education, in cooperation with a professor of Physical Activity and Sports. However, will be undertaken not only classroom sessions for the
whole (at the beginning of the semester), as well as tutorial sessions throughout the
In the continuous assessment regime, the evaluation components are: Performance at school (70%) + Report (30%)
In the final assessment regime, the evaluation components are: Performance at school (50%) + Report (50%)
For approval the student must obtain a minimum classification of 10 values in each one of the components.
It is essential to have a 75% attendance.
The component of performance at school is common to the continuous assessment regime and the final assessment regime. Thus, during the periods of appeal, special and extraordinary, only the component of the Report can be re-evaluated (see point 8, Art.102 RAUÉ)