Sociology of Technology

Name: Sociology of Technology
Code: SOC02432L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1.Define the basic concepts used by Sociology in addressing technology issues
2.To characterize the contribution of sociological analysis to study the relation between technology and society
3.Know the major sociological theories about the relationship between technology and society
4.To discuss the dimensions of the contribution of technology to the socio-cultural change and social attitudes and ethical issues arising from the uses of technology
5.To characterize the potential of ICT for social movements (social, political, environmental, etc.)
6.To know the Portuguese and European public policies in the field of governance (governance) and its potential role in the development of the territories
7.Evaluate uses, appropriations and impacts of ICT in everyday life
8.Assess the impact of participation in virtual communities and social networks in the construction of the identity(ies)
9.To discuss the future of the Network Society and technology.


The Sociology of Technology
1. Basics: technique, science, technology, invention, innovation, diffusion, globalization;
2. Object of study and methods of the Sociology of Technology;
3. Studies on the evolution of technology and society (systems theory, actor-network theory and social constructivism) - technological determinism and social construction of technology.
Technology, Change and Development
3. Technology, socio-cultural change, attitudes and ethical issues;
4. ICT, activism and social movements;
5. ICT, public policy, governance and development of territories.
ICT, Internet and Society
6. Uses, appropriations and impacts of ICT in everyday life (at work, learning, leisure);
7. Self expression and collective mobilization with the social web, virtual communities, social networks and participation;
8. The future(s) of the Network Society and the relations between human and technology (future scenarios).

Teaching Methods

The process of teaching and learning will be organized based on theoretical-practical sessions.
Sessions dynamic is expected to appeal to the exercises of analysis and discussion of texts and work done by students, individually or in small groups, from texts previously suggested and / or researched by (the) students.
Besides the collective sessions, held in the classroom, students develop independent work, individually and in groups. It will use the Moodle platform to facilitate the sharing of educational resources and synchronous and asynchronous distance communication.
The evaluation will include a written test about the contents and in work (s) individually and / or group oral presentation sessions on class. In the final classification is still considered the evaluation of socio-affective skills of the student.