Movement-Biomechanical Analysis

Name: Movement-Biomechanical Analysis
Code: DES10670L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The purpose of this Course is to develop an integrated knowledge to recognize and
analyze in Human Movement, Biomechanical functions that are result of adaptation to
universal mechanical laws, to develop skills to work with the biomechanical functions
through proper application basic concepts of mathematical and physical analysis of the
arguments of the same concepts applied in laboratory conditions.
After attending UC, the student should be able in a conceptual level, to develop mastery
and understanding of terminology, concepts, scientific facts, principles, laws and theories
associated with the study of the functioning of the human body and its production capacity
movement, at the operational level, developing the ability to analyze, interpret and intervene
in the mechanical phenomena associated with human movement, the ability to use
audiovisual equipment and computer in the observation of movements performed in specific
contexts, the ability to search from the standpoint of bibliographic in printed documents or
by searching the Internet, and the ability to question and to justify in a reasoned manner,
thereby contributing to the formation of a responsible professional, rigorous, autonomous,
with critical skills, able to work in a team, and interested in keep up the scientific point of


Kinematic analysis using video.
• Linear and Angular Kinematics
• Coordinate System
• Position, Velocity and acceleration
• analytical method and numerical calculation
• direct measurement techniques (accelerometry, goniometry).
• Instrumentation and Methodology used in the analysis Kinematics through video.
• Procurement procedures.
• Estimation of error data processing.
• Accuracy, consistency, validity and noise.
• Two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis.
• Procedures for calculation.
• Analysis two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis.
• Instrumentation, software and calculation procedures for kinematic analysis.
Analysis of Musculoskeletal loading.
• Linear and Angular Kinetics
• Newton's Laws
• Impulse, Work and Power
• Moment of Inertia, and Angular Moment and Torque
• Mechanical Work, Energy and Muscle Power
• Methods and instrumentation for kinetic analysis.
• Direct measurement of forces (Dinamografia - Platform Forces, Isokinetic).
• Application of the platform in motion analysis.
• Analysis and interpretation of data obtained.
• Synchronization between kinematic and kinetic data.
• Differences between Centre of mass (CoM) and Centre of pressure (CoP).
• Methods of calculating the load on the Musculoskeletal System.
• Muscle forces in inverse dynamics.
• Mechanical Work, energy and power.
• Causes of Muscular inefficiency.
• Calculation of internal work and external work.
• Instrumentation, software and calculation procedures for kinematic analysis.
Biomechanics and Motor Control.
• Posture.
• Posture Control.
• Methods and Cinematic and Kinetic analysis of posture.
• Centre of Pressure (CoP)
• Importance of the analysis of CoP sway to the study postural control.
• Variability and movement.
• Analysis of the variability in a time series.
• Non linear parameters used in the analysis of the movement.
• Mathematical models of sporting movements.
• Simulation, optimization and sensitivity analysis.
• Instrumentation, software and calculation procedures for the analysis of time series.
• Use of nonlinear methods to study time series collected.
Muscle Mechanics.
• Mechanical properties of skeletal muscle.
• Characteristics of the relationship between muscle length and strength, force - speed.
• Muscular Efficiency.
• Fundamentals of Mechanics of materials.
• Injury and Biomechanics.
• Surface Electromyography (EMG) and Biomechanics.
• Procurement procedures.
• Processing and analysis of data obtained.
• Processing time domain and frequency domain.
• Using EMG to estimate muscle strength.
• Collection, processing, and data for use in group work.

Teaching Methods

Exposure matter orally with the help of audio-visual means, using calculation programs (Excel
and suitable for calculation in Biomechanics). Using the direct method and deductive
presentation of concepts. Student-centered learning, as facilitator of learning through research
and reading articles and documents, promoting true understanding, valuing and promoting
cooperative and collaborative work between the group members.
The evaluation process:
Participation and attendance
Two written tests (T1, T2) + 3 individual works (R1, R2, R3) + 1 group work (W-group
The note will be calculated as follows:
[(T1 + T2) / 2] * 50% + [(R1 + R2 + R3) / 3] * 30% + (Group Work) * 20%> = 10.0
The Final score will always be rounded to the units.
If the final grade is less than ten (10) values, the student can perform the exam. The same will
happen to the student who has more than one third of faults in practical classes (except for
students with working students status).