Quality Control

Name: Quality Control
Code: QUI13654M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand the notions of quality and its evolution over time.
Contextualize quality within organizations, in order to ensure sustainable production and consumption standards.
Understand the concepts related to quality and quality assurance.
Acquire of competencies in process of continuous quality improvement processes, according to the integrator’s cycles.
Perceive the composition of the Portuguese institutional quality system.
Acquire skills regarding the implementation of quality statistical control techniques, CEQ.
Use the CEQ in process performance evaluation.
Framing metrology in the quality structures of organizations.
Acquire knowledge about various ISO series standards and procedures leading to certification and accreditation.
Understand the importance of implanting the HSST system and HACCP, in a perspective to increase food security.
Increase the initiative capacity and the power of argumentation and decision.


1.Evolution and quality policies
Quality control in XX century.
Quality policies and objectives.
Total Quality Management.
Six Sigma system.
SPQ subsystems.
Standardization, metrology and qualification. Certification and accreditation of organizations.
2.Quality Tools
The basic quality tools.
Planning and quality management tools.
3.Quality control in a laboratory.
Terminology. Definition of objectives.
Evaluation of deviations.
Sampling types and quality. COC.
5.Statistics applied to quality
The CEP using control charts.
Qualification and calibration.
Patterns and references.
7.The standards, ISO, EN, NP. ISO 9000; ISO 14000. ISO 17025.
8.Principles of hygiene, safety and health at work
OSHAS 18001: implementation of HSST system and HACCP-ISO 22000.
Fundamentals of hygiene and safety. Risk assessment in operation: hazard identification, risk estimation and tolerance. Responsible Care® actuation. Norms on safety, hygiene and health at work. REACH regulation

Teaching Methods

The teaching/learning is based on the individual research work of the students, supported by the bibliography recommended by the Professors. The theoretical classes rests on the exposition of the theoretical contents, using audiovisual media.
Teaching involves a framework of the quality relevance, from the perspective of suppliers, producers and consumers, where certification is enhanced.
The Statistics Control of Quality is explored using control charts by attributes and variables and other data-processing tools.
In the TP classes, the teaching methods are based on debates leading to the resolution of previously identified problems and participation in study visits to some companies or entities certified/or accredited in the region.
The evaluation of UC is done by performing a written work, and its presentation, on a theme of the discipline program and a final exam (or two Tests).
Both components have a contribution in the final classification of 30% written work and 70% final exam.