Modelling and Simulation

Name: Modelling and Simulation
Code: EME07207M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Mechanical Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

* The student will gain the ability to observe an engineering system (mechanical, electrical, thermal, fluidic) and
to build up its mathematical model (concentrated parameters).
* The student will be able to represent and manipulate an engineering model as a state space model or as a
Transfer Function model.
* The student will be able to solve the engineering system model using the analytical methodology or the
numerical methodology (Matlab software)


PART I: System Modeling
1. Mathematical models for automatic control (concentrated parameters) - generalized approach – variables of
flux and potential.
2. Basic elements: Potential and Flux accumulators, dissipative elements. Constitutive relations.
3. Interconnectivity relations: continuity relations, compatibility relations for mechanical, electrical, thermal
and fluidic systems.
4. Equivalent systems: electrical/ mechanical/ fluidic.
5. Modelling linear models using Variational methods.

PARTE II: System Simulation
1. Linearization of engineering models around steady-state operating points.
2. System representation using Transfer Functions: SISO and MIMO systems. Laplace transformation. System
representation using State Space methodology.
3. Analytical solution of linear models (solution of ODE).
4. Analogue implementation of Engineering models using electrical. Analogue simulation of dynamic systems.
5. Numerical solution of Engineering systems using MATLAB.

Teaching Methods

The teaching method is based on theoretical classes and practical classes. An active learning system is
focused to stimulate the student to make his own research on the matters presented in the classes.
Additionally to the work in class, a general problem is given to the student, to work in group, outside the
classroom, where a physical system must be modelled and numerically solved using the software package
MATLAB – Control Systems Toolbox.

The assessment method consists of two works presented as scientific papers:
N1= Numerical simulation article 1
N2= Numerical simulation article 2
The final grade is calculated by: (N1+N2)/2

Teaching Staff