Geomatics and Geographic Information Techniques

Name: Geomatics and Geographic Information Techniques
Code: ERU13088L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The acquisition of theoretical and practical competences on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing applied to Viticulture and winery.
The students should acquire knowledge, skills and competences:
- on GNSS field handling (intelligent soil and plant sampling, etc.);
- on structuring spatial databases relevant to vine and wine management;
- in the application of various remote sensing techniques, relevant to vineyards and wine management.


1. Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in viticulture and oenology (Survey of geographic variables)
2. The study of GIS techniques to viticulture and oenology (creation, structuring and manipulation of geographic databases)
3. The use of remote (satellite images, drones, etc ...) and proximal (multispectral, geophysical, etc ...) sensors in the vine and wine management.
4. The application of image processing algorithms to viticulture and oenology.

Teaching Methods

Work in classroom: The theoretical and practical competences will be acquired in the classroom. The theoretical component will always be followed by its application in practical situations, through the resolution of exercises using specific programs and technologies. A work group will integrate the acquired knowledge given in the curricular unit.

Remote work: Introduction to the fundamental theoretical concepts through made available resources, in Moodle (lessons, several texts, PowerPoint presentations, Internet pages, etc). Students work will be guided to reach specific objectives. They will also develop collaborative work in Moodle.

Evaluation: 40% for the theoretical component and 60% the practical component.