Evolutionary Biology

Name: Evolutionary Biology
Code: BIO12354L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Evolutionary biology aims to understand the diversity of life and the processes responsible for shaping it,
at two levels and on two timescales. At the level of populations and on a relatively short timescale, it
investigates how traits become well adapted to the job of survival and reproduction (microevolution). On a
longer timescale, it investigates the processes that produced the diversity of life now and throughout the
fossil record (macroevolution). Students should assimilate some basic knowledge on evolutionary biology
and be able to integrate learning from other curricular units, namely the utilization of genetic characters in
evolutionary analyses. It is also expected that students will develop their skills on data base analysis and
bioinformatic tools during computer sessions. Students will be encouraged to use regularly the University
of Évora e-learning platform (Moodle) and practice with phylogenetical analysis software.


1. Microevolutionary concepts (adaptive evolution; neutral evolution; the genetic impact of selection on
populations; the origin and maintenance of genetic variations; the expression of evolution)
2. Design by selection for reproductive success (the evolution of sex; genomic conflict)
3. Principles of macroevolution (speciation; phylogeny and systematic; comparative methods)
4. The history of life
5. Integrating micro and macroevolution (coevolution, human evolution)
6. Nucleotide diversity and phylogenetic analysis of sequences, Neutral theory of molecular variation.
7. Intraspecific analysis with genetic markers.
8. Classification and Phylogeny.

Teaching Methods

In the lectures the themes of each lesson will be presented and developed. In the last 15m of each class
there will be a discussion of one or more subjects.
A session for the demonstration of the usage of phylogenetic analysis software (MEGA) is included.
The teacher keeps regular contact with students, and is available to answer questions and provide advice
on searching for information that students decide to do on the Internet.
written exam or two written tests